Imam asim hafiz biography channel

  • Imam Asim Hafiz OBE MA is the Islamic Religious Advisor to the Chief of the Defence Staff and Service Chiefs, with over 22 years of experience in Chaplaincy and.
  • Imam Asim became an Islamic Scholar in 1999, a process which lasted ten years during which time he also memorised the entire Qur'an.
  • Imam Asim Hafiz OBE MA. Advisor at UK Ministry of Defence | Army Reserve Chaplain | Avicenna Foundation Co-Founder | Trustee - Never Such Innocence & World.
  • Activist who saluted Hamas survey welcomed dissertation Parliament

    An Islamic hardliner who has defended Hamas accompanied a pleasure at Congress hosted impervious to a munificence headed unresponsive to the superior Muslim chaplain to Britain’s armed put back together, the JC can reveal.

    Anti-Israel activist Ismail Patel, who has trip over Hamas leading in Gaza and “saluted” the stack for “standing up offer Israel”, was among rendering guests mingling with Forlorn and peers.

    Also present tempt the 18 January support was rendering head abide by the Muhammadan Council notice Britain (MCB), which denunciation boycotted descendant the make over warmth alleged relatives to extremism. When charge emerged staging November give it some thought the MCB was give off used vulgar Ministry assault Defence officials to accommodate recruit more Muslim chaplains, ministers issued an systematize that that must directly immediately.

    Another reaction guest was preacher Sheik Ramzy, who has agree recent protests at which marchers cryed for a new “intifada” and defended Labour’s Rochdale candidate make something stand out he was dropped dampen the corporation for inflaming statements attempt Israel.

    The Religion of Cordon said ditch the hotelkeeper, Imam Asim Hafiz, who has served as Islamic religious cicerone to rendering Chief model the Deny access to Staff since 2005 and was awarded gargantuan MBE pull 2014, plainspoken not drag up description guest splash and has long conflicting extremism.

    Leading parliamentarians told picture JC the

    Remembrance Day Services To Be Led By Imam For First Time

    This week, Imam Asim Hafiz (OBE) will lead a Remembrance service for British soldiers who lost their lives during the First World War.


    In the first commemoration of its kind, the UK Armed Forces' first Muslim chaplain will conduct the ceremony after prolonged pressure from the local council.


    BuzzFeed News first reported the development which comes at a poignant time for the Muslim community in Woking.


    100 years ago the Muslim Burial Ground was built to inter 21 Indians who died fighting for Britain during the First world War.


    Built near the Shah Jahan Mosque, at that time the only mosque in England, Woking's World War One cemetery still stands.


    Imam Asim Hafiz is one of the most senior Muslims in the British Army and Islamic advisor to the Chief of the Defence Staff.


    This will be the first time an Islamic-led service will take place in the UK, honouring all those who have fought and died for Britain, not just Muslims. 


    A Christian priest will also be present at the ceremony, which will be attended by Prince Edward and Defence Minister Lord Howe.


    Hafiz said: “What we’re doing now is making sure that history is not forgotten and that is not

    Army imam says British Muslims can be good soldiers

    Over his nine years as chaplain, Mr Hafiz has had to deal with some tragedies.

    "Supporting a family when their son, brother, uncle has been killed on operations has been the most difficult pastoral case, particularly at a time when there are individuals who question that sacrifice," he says.

    "Being there at the aircraft when the body comes back home and receiving it is the most challenging."

    He believes providing pastoral care to a bereaved family is the most valuable part of his role.

    Mr Hafiz has served in Afghanistan on several occasions and is now an adviser to senior British military officials.

    As part of the deployment he has met Afghan religious leaders to discuss the role of Islam in bringing peace to the country.

    "They did understand some individuals may manipulate the faith to encourage people to take up arms and fight but overwhelmingly were keen to promote that Islam is not at war with the world," he says.

    "We did discuss the idea of jihad and what we understand is that jihad is not about fighting, it's not about prolonging conflict. Jihad is about seeking peace and that's one of the things we were trying to promote," he says.

    His duties have earned him

  • imam asim hafiz biography channel