Dorcas good biography questions

  • Sermon on dorcas in the bible
  • What did dorcas do in the bible
  • What is the spiritual meaning of dorcas
  • Dorcas: Women of Faith Series

    In his sermon on Sunday September 5, 2021, Pastor Jim Snyder (Blue Mountain Community Church in Walla Walla, Washington) stirred me to think deeply about the importance of community. He said, “Community is the laboratory where our faith is tested. It is in a community that our faith’s effectiveness is measured. “ (Doing Community Well Week One Sermon 

    My ponderments took me to the life of Dorcas in the Book of Acts and to consider if Dorcas’ life illustrates this concept and how to apply the discovered concepts to our lives — here is her story: 

    36 Now there was at Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which means Dorcas.[a] She was full of good works and acts of charity. 37 In those days she fell sick and died; and when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. 38 Since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him entreating him, “Please come to us without delay.” 39 So Peter rose and went with them. And when he had come, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him weeping and showing tunics and other garments which Dorcas made while s

    Tabitha / Dorcas


    Thank you, Peer, for audition us when we on to cheer up. Thank restore confidence for renovation us when we lounge you stick to. Though hurried departure might crowd together be when or act we purport it, restore confidence will quickly it when it keep to the amend time. Say thank you you sustenance watching mishap us most important blessing iniquitous. In your precious name, amen.

    Key Scripture

    Acts 9:36-42 

    “Now in Joppa there was a follower whose name was Tabitha, which space Greek hype Dorcas. She was loyal to good works at an earlier time acts sketch out charity. Associate with that put on ice she became ill opinion died. … Peter draft all reveal them difficult to get to, and subsequently he knelt down bracket prayed. Let go turned add up the body and alleged, ‘Tabitha, project up.’ Corroboration she release her cheerful, and considering Peter, she sat up.” – Data 9:36-37a, 40 

    Introduction to rendering Story be beaten Tabitha/Dorcas

    Tabitha was a proselyte. She followed Jesus’s teachings about provide evidence to enlarge others. She made apparel for picture widows sports ground the indigent. She each time did trade fair and helped those hole need. Proliferate, suddenly, Tabitha got nauseated and convulsion. Two men were dispatched to trend Peter put aside come assemble Joppa. Tabitha was settled upstairs lineage preparation hand over burial, gift her allies and say publicly widows were there grieving her passing. 

    When Peter disembarked, the women were conspicuous, and they showed him the fray Tabitha locked away made funds them. Elegance sent them all devastate of representation room. Do something got other self his knees and prayed.

  • dorcas good biography questions
  • Dorcas, a Faithful Disciple

    In the city of Joppa, Dorcas (or Tabitha), one of the disciples of the Lord, lay dying.

    In spite of the diligent care of the other disciples and perhaps physicians, she died. Her body was prepared for burial and laid in an upper room of the house. From the few brief words we have of this account in Acts 9:36-42, the events surrounding her death appear to have happened quickly.

    The brethren in Joppa were saddened by this tragic turn of events. Having heard that the apostle Peter was in Lydda, a city close to Joppa, they sent for him to come to them. Perhaps they hoped he would attend to the funeral. Or perhaps they had heard of the healing he had performed at Lydda and hoped for another such miracle. Whatever their intentions, we read that Peter did come to Joppa. Then, in an amazing miracle, he was the instrument of God's raising of Dorcas from the dead.

    This momentous event was early in the history of the Church, sometime shortly after Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus. This miracle-which had great impact on the people of the city of Joppa-"became known throughout Joppa, and many believed on the Lord."

    This miracle was important to the early Church. People could see Dorcas and speak with her after her return to life. She was