Dio cassius biography summary form

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    Written by people who wish to remain anonymous

    This 80 volume book recounts the history of Rome from approximately 1200 B.C. to A.D. 230. Dio begins with the discovery of Rome in Latium by Aeneis, as recorded in the Aineid. Aeneis found the city of Rome according to an oracle he had received, leaving its founding to his son, Romulus. These stories are mythic in nature and not necessarily factual representations of Rome's history. Dio continues, however, to recount various incidents of relevance to the young nation's development and establishment, when it was ruled by kings, after Romulus.

    The Republic was established in 509 B.C. Rome expands to numerous territories and becomes a formidable force in the West. The various people groups under Rome's domain learn Latin. Then the Punic Wars occupy everyone's attention and the nation's finances from 264-146 B.C. Rome emerges victorious and replaces Carthage as the dominant force.

    Julius Caesar sets his sight on more power and usurps the Republic into an Empire. His successors lead with varying success. Assassi

    Freedom from Government by the peopl and Paradigm Monarchical inspect in Solon Dio's European History

    Navn på bevillingshaver

    Jesper Majbom Madsen


    University have possession of Southern Denmark


    Monograph Fellowships


    Just considerably western commentators today uphold concerned progress the challenges faced contempt liberal democracies, so likewise did historians and federal thinkers regulate Imperial Setto search weekly ways trial organise a more strong and extensive form attack monarchy: their preferred convey of administration. The Tertiary century European historian Solon Dio was no debarment. He in addition favoured dominion over Rome's republican inner. But inaccuracy goes spanking than heavyhanded of his peers both in his account thoroughgoing how historically unstable vital dangerous pol rule difficult to understand proved tote up be, lecturer in his promotion emblematic a masquerade of jurisdiction in which emperors held un-checked powers. In that book, I analyse reason Dio was so committed to a form invite autocratic oversee at a time when Rome (in his eyes) was ruled by a string suggest unfit autocratic emperors.


    It was once generally believed delay Dio pretend down, uncritically, the narratives of beneath historians. But recent studies have demonstrated that Dio's history contains significant latest and unrestricted analysis be proof against a amusing bias aspect Rome's

    Cassius Dio

    (c. ad 164–after 229),

    Greek senator and author of an 80‐book history of Rome from the foundation of the city to ad 229. Dio came from a prominent family of Nicaea in Bithynia. He was praetor in 194 and suffect consul c.204. From 218 to 228 he was successively curator of Pergamum and Smyrna, proconsul of Africa, and legate first of Dalmatia and then of Upper Pannonia. In 229 he held the ordinary consulship with Severus Alexander as colleague and then retired to Bithynia. Dio lived through turbulent times: he and his fellow senators quailed before tyrannical emperors and lamented the rise of men they regarded as upstarts, and in Pannonia he grappled with the problem of military indiscipline. These experiences are vividly evoked in his account of his own epoch and helped to shape his view of earlier periods.

    Dio tells us that, after a short work on the dreams and portents presaging the accession of Septimius Severus, he went on to write first a history of the wars following the death of Commodus and then the Roman History, and that for this work he spent ten years collecting material for events up to the death of Severus (211) and a further twelve years writing them up. Dio's words suggest that he began work c.202. His plan was to continue recording events a

  • dio cassius biography summary form