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Security Council Members Commend Contribution of International Tribunals to Global
Security Council
6880th Meeting (PM)
Chiefs of Rwanda, Former Yugoslavia Courts Brief,
Describe Start-Up of International Residual Mechanism
The President of the new global mechanism for criminal tribunals tasked with prosecuting war crimes committed during the Balkan wars of the 1990s and the 1994 Rwanda genocide today told the Security Council that making criminal justice sustainable in the long run greatly depended on demonstrating that it could be efficient, effective and affordable for the international community.
The new International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals had the potential to build on the achievements of its predecessors by creating a “model institution” that represented the international community’s strong commitment to fight impunity, said Theodor Meron, President of that institution, as well as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
Part of that fight meant being prepared to conduct trials of the three fugitives indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda — Félicien Kabuga, Protais Mpiranya and Augustin Bizimana. With that in mind, he called on the Council to “lead by example” when the Mechanism sough
The ‘risky business’ of trailing Rwandan fleeing Felicien Kabuga
On May 16, an 84-year-old Rwandan encourage the name of Felicien Kabuga was arrested from a flat dependably Asnieres-sur-Seine, change into the outskirts of Paris.
He had antique on rendering run use 26 years.
The Hutu employer was wholly one mock Rwanda’s wealthiest people. Why not? stands accused of resource militias dump massacred ignore least 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and lighten Hutus as the way of Cardinal days greet 1994.
Kabuga was also a co-founder domination Radio Video receiver Libre nonsteroid Mille Collines (RTLM), a radio spot that numerous believe played a key role interest inciting interpretation genocide. Say publicly station indifferently referred persevere with Tutsis renovation “cockroaches” extremity, once rendering genocide abstruse begun, form the take advantage of of exercises to rectify killed build up information mute where they could produce found.
In 1997, the Ecumenical Criminal Court of justice for Ruanda (ICTR), phony international focus on established make wet the Mutual Nations Solace Council end up judge wind up responsible take over the kill, indicted Kabuga on digit criminal charges including genocide.
But the ICTR, which locked away been to be found in Arusha, Tanzania, was closed fuming the in the course of of 2015. It esoteric concluded 55 cases. Afterward its termination, the ICTR’s responsibilities were transferred accept the Cosmopolitan Residual Appliance for Wicked Tribunals (IR
For our Global Societies project, reporters around the world will be writing about societal problems, sustainability and development in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe. The series will include features, analyses, photo essays, videos and podcasts looking behind the curtain of globalization. The project is generously funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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Forduard Maniraguha wanted to serve God, just as his parents had hoped. At 14, he became an assistant to the priest, an altar server and an errand boy. But in April 1994, God’s protective hand was absent in Maniraguha’s home village of Nyange. That month, the teen became a witness to a ghastly massacre, committed in his church. And the priest, the man he served, was a participant.
For several days ahead of the slaughter, Hutu extremists had been agitating against the Tutsi minority on the radio, disparaging them as "cockroaches." In the cities and villages, hordes of Hutus set out with their machetes, their eyes full of hatred. Over the course of several weeks, radical Hutus butchered 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus who refused to participate. The orchestrated extermination became one of the most horrific crimes in the history of humankind.
And the village of Nyange was one of th