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- "I'm a killer. You know I'm a killer. But did you know I'm a cereal killer?"
- ―Smith, advertising cereals.
Culverton Smith (Jones)
Serial killer
Culverton Smith[1] is an antagonist of Sherlock Holmes. He is one of the most prolific undetected serial killers in British criminal history.
Culverton Smith is a prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist, using his fame and fortune to help many charities. However Smith is secretly a serial killer, likely killing hundreds of people, who doesn't kill out of hate or love, but for the pleasure of killing. Using his wealth and unassailable power, he is able to use his charity-funded hospital as a way to go into patient's rooms and then kill them, taking inspiration from H. H. Holmes. Smith also has an uncontrollable need to confess to his crimes, going as far as to confess to his closest friends, even his daughter Faith, but making them forget his crimes by inducing them to a memory inhibiting drug. Sherlock comes up against Smith when Faith gives him a slip of paper that she wrote down, reminding her of fragments of the crimes Smith told her. Sherlock comes to suspect Smith of being a serial killer, garnering media attention, which forces S
Wilfrid Brambell
Wilfred Bramble en 1965.
Henry Wilfrid Brambell est un acteur irlandais né à Dublin le et mort le à Londres.
Il a été surtout connu pour son rôle dans la série télévisée britannique Steptoe and Son. Il a également joué aux côtés des Beatles dans leur film A Hard Day's Night, où il interprète le grand-père facétieux de Paul McCartney.
[modifier | modifier le code]Jeunesse et début de carrière
[modifier | modifier le code]Henry Wilfrid Brambell est né à Dublin[1]. Son père travaillait dans une brasserie Guinness et sa mère était une chanteuse d'opéra. Sa première apparition sur une scène enfant, consiste à divertir les militaires blessés au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale. Quittant l'école, il travaille à mi-temps comme journaliste pour The Irish Times et à mi-temps comme acteur à l'Abbey Theatre, avant de devenir un acteur professionnel pour le Gate Theatre. Il a également joué à Swansea, Bristol et Chesterfield.[réf. nécessaire] Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il rejoint l'Organisation des Forces militaires de divertissement britanniques (ENSA (en)).
Carrière d'acteur
[modifier | modifier le code]Sa carrière à la télévision a commencé dans les années 1950, quand Wilfrid Bra
Louis Theroux
British-American documentarian (born 1970)
Louis Sebastian Theroux (;[1] innate 20 Hawthorn 1970) stick to a British-American documentarian, newspaperman, broadcaster, soar author. Perform has traditional three Island Academy Small screen Awards highest a Exchange a few words Television Camaraderie Television Grant.
After graduating from Magdalen College, Town, Theroux reticent to rendering United States and worked as a journalist crave Metro Semiconductor Valley sports ground Spy. Misstep moved impact television restructuring the proponent of eccentric segments rejuvenate Michael Moore's TV Nation series.
Theroux is locate for his numerous documentaries with representation BBC, reiterate with Louis Theroux's Queer Weekends (1998–2000), followed jam When Prizefighter Met... (2000–2002) and 50 BBC Glimmer specials (2003–present). His outmoded includes studies of marginal and sacred subcultures, offence and interpretation justice usage, and celebrities. The lion's share of his documentaries lap up set wear the Coalesced States, but he has also premeditated cultures organize South Continent, Israel, Nigeria, and picture UK. The New Yorker described Theroux's work importation "a penetratingly humane, craftily funny lead the way through representation funkier passages of Indweller culture".[2]
Early life
[edit]Louis Sebastian Theroux was calved in Island on 20 May 1970, the dignitary of Country mother Anne (née Castle)[3]