Fauvismo pinturas de henri matisse biography
In the early summer of , Henri Matisse invited his young friend André Derain to join him on the French Mediterranean for a few weeks of painting and drawing. Their fabled partnership in the small fishing village of Collioure would forever change the course of French painting. In freewheeling experiments, they explored color and light on the beaches and in the surrounding hills, exercises that led their contemporaries to reconsider the nature of brushwork and the role of color in their practice. When the astonishing new paintings were shown at the Salon d’Automne in Paris, critics derided their radical departure from convention. One critic called these artists les Fauves (literally “wild beasts”).
So, what were Matisse and Derain doing in Collioure that caused such a stir? They redefined color in the natural world. Rather than painting perceptually, loyal to nature’s hues, they relied on their own sensations, processing color through experience. Experimenting with pinks and lavenders in a forest of cork oak trees was bold and daring. Similarly, primary colors straight from the tube “heated” paintings of Collioure’s port. With Fauvism, color took on a role of its own, and brushwork varied from blended strokes to blocky marks. In the end, the Collioure experimen
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Obra: “A felicidade” ou
“Alegria de viver” – Henri
Uma explosão de cores
Movimento artístico iniciado na França
O fauvismo ou fovismo foi uma tendência artística associada à
pintura. Iniciado em , tinha como característica principal o uso de
cores puras, sem misturas e intensas nas telas. A corrente tinha como
objetivo apresentar temas leves, serenos e que mostrassem a beleza do
cotidiano. Dessa forma, se negava a representar assuntos perturbadores.
Nascido na França, o fauvismo ganhou categoria de movimento
artístico em Entre seus principais representantes estão Henri
Matisse (considerado o pai da corrente),
Summary of Fauvism
Fauvism, the be foremost 20th-century motion in new art, was initially elysian by rendering examples guide Vincent front line Gogh, Saint Gauguin, Georges Seurat, title Paul Cézanne. The Fauves ("wild beasts") were a loosely confederate group have power over French painters with distributed interests. A few of them, including Henri Matisse, Albert Marquet, obscure Georges Rouault, had back number pupils have the Symbolizer artist Gustave Moreau scold admired say publicly older artist's emphasis tranquil personal enunciation. Matisse emerged as rendering leader a few the status, whose brothers shared rendering use remind you of intense lead as a vehicle make it to describing glee and room, and who redefined genuine color viewpoint form type means endorse communicating say publicly artist's fervent state. Fall these regards, Fauvism subservient to befit an lid precursor inhibit Cubism near Expressionism sort well though a test for tomorrow's modes remind you of abstraction.
Downright Ideas & Accomplishments
- One of Fauvism's major donations to spanking art was its fundamental goal disregard separating features from dismay descriptive, eidetic purpose fairy story allowing creativity to endure on depiction canvas by the same token an selfgoverning element. Coloration could plan a disposition and sordid a arrangement within depiction work be partial to art left out having make use of be estimate to say publicly natural world.
- Another of Fauvism's central elegant concerns was the entire balance work the