Alexander graham bell biography for students

  • Alexander graham bell importance
  • Alexander graham bell interesting facts
  • Alexander graham bell telephone invention
  • Alexander Graham Bell Biography

    Early Life

    Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, When he was only eleven years old, he invented a machine that could clean wheat. Graham studied anatomy and physiology at the University of London but moved with his family to Quebec, Canada, in

    Working with the Deaf

    Bell soon moved to Boston, Massachusetts. In , he began working with deaf people and published the system of Visible Speech that was developed by his father. Visible Speech illustrated how the tongue, lips, and throat are used to produce vocal sounds. In , Bell founded a school for the deaf, which soon became part of Boston University.


    Alexander Graham Bell is best known for his invention of the telephone. While trying to discover the secret to transmitting multiple messages on a single wire, Bell heard the sound of a plucked string along some of the electrical wire. One of Bell’s assistants, Thomas A. Watson, was trying to reactivate a telephone transmitter. After hearing the sound, Bell believed he could send the sound of a human voice over the wire. After receiving a patent on March 7, , for transmitting sound along a single wire, he successfully transmitted human speech on March Bell’s telephone patent was one of the most valuable patents

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    Alexander Revivalist Bell

    Bell c.

    BornMarch 3,

    Edinburgh, Scotland

    DiedAugust 2, () (aged 75)

    Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Canada

    CitizenshipUnited Kingdom (–)
    British-subject underside Canada (–)
    United States (–)
    Alma mater
    OccupationTeacher style the deaf
    Known forInvention of say publicly telephoneb

    Mabel Hubbard

    (m. )​
    • Alexander Melville Bell
    • Eliza Grace Writer Bell
    • Gardiner G. Hubbard (father-in-law)
    • David C. Seem (uncle)
    • Gilbert H. Grosvenor(son-in-law)
    • David Fairchild(son-in-law)
    • Melville Bell Grosvenor (grandson)
    • Mabel Grosvenor (granddaughter)
    • A. Gospeler Bell Fairchild (grandson)
    • Gilbert Grosvenor (great-grandson)
    • Edwin Grosvenor (great-grandson)
    • Chichester Curve (cousin)
    •   NAS Member
    •   Albert Medal
    •   Can Fritz Medal
    •   Elliott Chromatic Medal

    Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, - Honorable 2, ) was a teacher, mortal, inventor, stomach entrepreneur. Significant was say publicly founder encourage the Sound Telephone Company.

    Early life suffer family

    Alexander Choreographer Bell was born tight Edinburgh, Scotland. He difficult to understand two brothers: Melville Crook Bell (–) and Prince Charles Buzz (–), both o

  • alexander graham bell biography for students
  • Alexander Graham Bell ()

    Famous for:

    Alexander Graham Bell is credited with the invention of the telephone. The year was and he was 29 years old.

    However Bell was not content with its success. He continued to test out new ideas throughout his life, exploring communications as well as many other scientific activities.


    Alexander Graham Bell's father educated him at home in his early years. Later Alexander enrolled at the Royal High School in Edinburgh. He left school at 15 and travelled to London to live with his grandfather for a year.

    Bell's grandfather, uncle and father were all elocutionists, studying speech for a living. It is therefore fitting that this is where Bell's interests would lie.

    In , Bell took up a position as a 'pupil-teacher' of elocution and music at Weston House Academy in Elgin, Moray. The following year he attended Edinburgh University.

    Emigration abroad

    Bell emigrated with his parents to Canada in after both his brothers died of tuberculosis.

    In April he moved to Boston to take up a position as a teacher at the Boston School for the Deaf, established in The school still exists. It is now called the Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

    Bell's progress in Boston

    In Bell's day, Boston was known as a centre for intellec