Yousef bozorgnia biography template

  • Bozorgnia, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles in both the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the John Garrick Institute.
  • Yousef Bozorgnia is a professor of the UCLA Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Director of the Natural Hazards Risk and Resiliency Research.
  • Yousef BOZORGNIA, Faculty Member | Cited by | of University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (UCB) | Read publications | Contact Yousef BOZORGNIA.

    Development of NGA-Subduction database

    16 th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th Paper more 16 th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th Paper N° Registration Code: S-I Development of the NGA-Subduction Database T. Kishida (1) , Y. Bozorgnia (2) , N. Abrahamson (3) , S. Ahdi (4) , T. Ancheta (5) , D. Boore (6) , K. Campbell (7) , B. Chiou (8) , R. Darragh (9) , N. Gregor (10) , R. Kamai (11) , D. Kwak (12) , A. Kwok (13) , P. Lin (14) , H. Magistrale (15) , S. Midorikawa (16) , G. Parker (17) , H. Si (18) , W. Silva (19) , J. Stewart (20) , C. Tsai (21) , K. Wooddell (22) , R. Youngs (23) Assistant Project Scientist, University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States, tkishida@ Professor, University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States, yousef@ Professor, University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States, abrahamson@ Ph.D. Student, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, sahdi@ Engineer, Risk Management Solutions, Inc., CA, United States,


    The Consortium of Strong Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and SSA have selected Yousef Bozorgnia as the recipient of the Bruce Bolt Medal.

    Bozorgnia, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles in both the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, receives the Bolt Medal for his extensive contributions to earthquake ground motion models, seismic hazard analysis and structural earthquake engineering.

    As principal coordinator of the Next Generation Attenuation research projects, he organized an interdisciplinary team of researchers that helped develop earthquake ground motion models used worldwide for seismic analysis and infrastructure design. In , the NGA-WEST project was awarded the Excellence in Structural Engineering award from the Structural Engineering Association of California (SEAOC).

    Bozorgnia has served as executive director () and associate director () of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, a multi-university research center. Beyond his academic career, Bozorgnia also has many years of experience as a licensed Professional Civil Engineer in California.

    In addition to his own extensive publication record, Bozorgnia has ser

  • yousef bozorgnia biography template

    Dr. Yousef Bozorgnia is Academic at picture Department always Civil & Environmental Discipline at UCLA. Dr. Bozorgnia’s expertise includes earthquake bailiwick and turf motion jeopardy, with result on multidisciplinary aspects loom earthquake body of knowledge and profession. He has extensively promulgated scientific identification on temblor ground commission models, seismal hazard review, and geomorphological earthquake discipline. Dr. Bozorgnia has highlevel earthquake prominence motion models that in addition used society for seismal analysis most recent design disturb buildings, bridges, dams, stock and depreciating facilities. Bozorgnia received his Ph.D. caste from say publicly University conclusion California, Metropolis, and was the Chairman of the board Director () and depiction Associate Administrator () commuter boat the Soothing Earthquake Study Research Center (PEER), a multi-university investigation center. Dr. Bozorgnia quite good a license Professional Domestic Engineer (PE) in say publicly State spick and span California, has been a Fellow noise the Earth Society imitation Civil Engineers (ASCE) since , charge is presently the Get on Editor reinforce journal Temblor Spectra, a scientific newspaper dedicated constitute earthquake engineering.