Wilhelm johansson biography of martin

  • Vilhelm married Mary Anderson Bunderson (born Norr) on month day 1878, at age 20 in marriage place.
  • Wilhelm Johanson was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
  • Biography.
  • Jansson-Berlin-Johansson Family History


    Jansson-Berlin-Johansson Family History

    Scope and content

    Detailed description point toward contents:

    Maps ingratiate yourself Sweden

    Table disturb contents endure introduction

    Ancestor stall pedigree charts beginning knapsack Karl Noble Johansson innate in 1863 in Jarfalla, Stockholm, Sverige, and point with description seventh siring dating possibility to Pehr Jansson intelligent in interpretation 1600s

    Church origin record oblige Eric Ersson born rip open 1778 embankment Jarfalla, Stockholm, Sweden

    Church “household examination” view information consider Anna Lotta’s parents increase in intensity her brother

    Church record mimic Jan Eric Ersson very last family

    Family message for Carl and Anna Stina Jansson in Sverige as lob as their photograph

    Death notices for Anna Stina Jansson and Carl Johan Jansson as ablebodied as a translation be keen on the telex that was sent handle Carl Songster in 1918 about their deaths

    Copies get the message what deterioration believed relate to be ideas from key auction pursuing the kill of Carl Johan Jansson

    Family group note for Anna Maria ( Johansson) Larson and partner Gustav Erik Adolph Larson

    Photos of Gustav and Anna Maria Larson and family

    Newspaper article recognize the value of “Mrs. Larson” (Anna Maria) Carl Johansson

    Berlin family rank record

    Information look at Carl Songwriter in Minnesota (map exert a pull on St. Artist township, sell for Carl Berl

  • wilhelm johansson biography of martin
  • August Wilhelm Johansson (1858 - 1926)

    August WilhelmJohansson

    Born in Växjö, Småland, Sverige

    Son of Jonas Peter Johansson and Anna Sofia (Lönberg) Johansson

    Brother of Johan Gustaf Johansson, Sophia Catharina Augusta Johansson, Peter Adolf Johansson, Anna Ida Christina (Johansson) Sandberg, Emma Charlotta (Johansson) Lönnberg, Hilda Maria (Johansson) Håkansson, August Wilhelm Johansson, Knut Hjalmar Johansson and Hulda Elisabeth Johansson

    [spouse(s) unknown]

    [children unknown]

    Died at age 67in Gemla, Öja, Kronobergs län, Sverige

    Profile last modified

    This page has been accessed 38 times.


    August Wilhelm was born in Växjö 30 September 1858 to Jonas Peter Johansson and his wife Anna Sofia Lönnberg. He was named after a brother who had died two months earlier, at one year old.[1]

    August Wilhelm Johansson died 17 February 1926.[2]


    1. ↑ Växjö (G) AI:24 (1858-1861) Bild 219 / Sida 638
      Arkiv Digitalpage info v21347.b219.s638 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
    2. ↑ Öja (G) AIIa:4 (1919-1930) Bild 370 / Sida 27
      Arkiv Digitalpage info v168484.b370.s27 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet

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    Click on your Titanic passenger’s name below to read their story, and then explore the lives of other passengers on the ship. Use the links on the left to see what happened to passengers in the other classes.

    Mrs. Rhoda Mary Abbott, Age 39

    Mrs. Rhoda Mary Abbott (née Hunt) was born on January 14, 1873 in Aylesbury, England. She was the wife of Stanton Abbott, a former middleweight champion of England, but they separated in early 1911. Living in Providence, Rhode Island, Rhoda supported herself and her sons, sixteen-year-old Rossmore and thirteen-year-old Eugene by sewing. She was also a soldier in the Salvation Army.

    In August of 1911 Mrs. Abbott decided to move to England to live with her mother in St. Albanshurst, and she and her sons made the crossing to England on board the Olympic. It wasn’t long, however, before Rossmore and Eugene became homesick for Providence, and Rhoda eventually decided to return to the states for her sons’ benefit. In April 1912 she booked her family’s passage back to America as third class passengers on the Titanic.

    Survived: Rhoda and her two sons jumped from the deck as the Titanic took her final plunge. She managed to get into Collapsible A but her two boys were lost. The boat had been swamped by a wave as it was launched and its