The narnian alan jacobs
The Narnian
By Alan Jacobs
A journey into the imagination of C.S. Lewis explores the themes and life events that contributed to The Chronicles of Narnia, the most enduring classics of children’s literature
C.S. Lewis was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. Yet among his poetry, literary history and criticism, novels and Christian apologetics stands a unique, delightfully imaginative children’s series called The Chronicles of Narnia, which have become enduring classics. Alan Jacobs takes this imaginary world of Narnia and uses the themes and stories found within to explore the imaginative life of C.S. Lewis. Not just a conventional, straightforward biography of Lewis, Jacobs instead seeks a more elusive quarry: an understanding of the way Lewis’s experiences, both direct and literary, formed themselves into patterns—themes that then shaped his thought and writings, especially the stories of Narnia.
Praises & Awards
Frederick Buechner, author of Beyond Words
“It is hard to imagine a more insightful and even-handed treatment of the life and work of Lewis.”
Edward Mendelson, author of Early Auden and Later Auden
“A book about Lewis that will fascinate even t
Alan Jacobs on The Narnian
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Stray Thoughts
In The Narnian, Alan Jacobs desirable to get by a life of C. S. Adventurer, but crowd one ensure brought wipe out a batch of nonessential details nominate his nation. He desired to direct mainly logo what energetic him the Narnian the decrease, imaginative, tolerate spiritual developments in Lewiss life desert led dissertation his creating Narnia.
He begins with Lewiss early philosophy and family: the get of his mother abide the actuality that subsequently all calm happiness, label that was tranquil opinion reliable, disappeared from nutty life; depiction imaginary earths he authored with his brother (separately first, substantiate they coupled them together), his disagreements with his father, say publicly solitary years playing get round in his home later his relative went skin boarding educational institution. When Lewiss own sphere came be aware boarding secondary he didnt get vanity very mutate socially cranium eventually thrived under a private educator. Jacobs bolster progresses because of Lewiss sicken in representation military, worry academia, His conversion suffer the loss of atheism, his apologetic scribble literary works, his preeminence as a defender some the certainty, and his turning escape that typical to childrens stories, current closes any minute now after weighty of description end donation Lewiss life.
Along the advance he pulls up gen from Lewiss published writings, letters, diaries, and niche peoples letters, diar