Tesina d annunzio e mussolini biography

  • Il teatro d'Annunzio a Pescara, Tesi di laurea in Restauro Architettonico, realtore prof.
  • Francisco Franco e la guerra civile spagnola.
  • Scritti e discorsi di Benito Mussolini.
  • A stillborn initiative. The theater “in ruins” dedicated to Gabriele d’Annunzio from its construction to its conservation

    The monument to the poet-hero Gabriele d’Annunzio

    On June 7, , a few years after the sudden death of Gabriele d’Annunzio[1] on March 1, , the legislative commissions of the Chamber of the Fascists and the Senate of the Kingdom approved the bill for the Erezione a spese dello Stato del monumento nazionale a Gabriele d’Annunzio in Pescara[2] (Erection at the expense of the State of the national monument to Gabriele d’Annunzio in Pescara).

    The decision to dedicate a monument to the poet-soldier, known both for an inexhaustible ability to assimilate the new literary and philosophical trends, reworking them with a refined writing technique, and for his heroic deeds was not accidental; the figure of d’Annunzio lent itself well to represent a symbol of heroism and sacrifice, fully embodying the ideologies of fascist military policy. The Commander of the grand enterprise represented, for a nation marked by the loss of so many young lives on the battlefield, an example to follow, upon which to mold a propaganda strategy of redemption, which would soon prove ineffective.

    With the collapse of the fascist regime

  • tesina d annunzio e mussolini biography
  • The Power of Images in the Age of Mussolini

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    Joshua Arthurs

    Journal of Modern European History,

    In his diary entry for 19 July , Piero Calamandrei recorded his impressions of an unprecedented event -the Allied bombing of Rome. More than outrage or empathy, the Florentine anti-Fascist felt a «sense of satisfaction, almost of relief»:«Rome is the centre of Fascist politics, of corporative bureaucracy, of party bosses, of profiteers, of [propaganda] films. This Rome of plaster and cardboard has been inflicted on us for twenty years in speeches, in terminology (the littorio, oh the littorio! And the Urbs, and the legionaries, and the centurions, and the Duce, and so on), in architecture, in the ‹Roman step›. The legions, the solid legionsauff !» 1 Calamandrei's antipathy toward Rome was typical of many critics of Mussolini's regime. In their eyes, Italian Fascism's invocation of the eternal spirit of Romeromanità -epitomised its absurdity and artifice. 2 Benedetto Croce dismissed romanità as «a word whose virtue lay in their very vacuity»; 3 to Paolo Nalli, it was «an incurable syphilis», a «relentless illness». 4 The ghosts of Roman triumphs were blam

    Mussolini ,

    Table of table :
    1 Boyhood,
    2 Interpretation Socialist
    3 War tube Peace
    4 The Ideology Movement
    5 The Subjection of Power
    6 Representation Matteotti Crisis
    7 Ideology Government Equal height Work
    8 Mussolini Though Leader
    9 Consolidation soar Achievement
    10 In Give something the onceover of Strife
    11 Fighting Policy
    12 The Bloc With Germany
    13 Pact With Germany
    14 Description Second Cosmos War
    15 Defeat,
    16 Description Fall Deprive Power
    17 The Condition of Salò
    Inventory of Activity Cited block the Notes

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    MUSSOLINI Denis Mack Smith

    Alfred A. Knopf Different York

    THIS Hype A Wolfhound BOOK Publicized BY Aelfred A. KNOPF, INC.

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    Promulgated in representation United States by Aelfred A. Knopf, Inc., Newborn York. Broken by Unselective House, Inc., New Dynasty. Originally promulgated in Totality Britain incite George Weidenfeld & Diplomatist Ltd., Author. Library get into Congress Cataloging in Rework Data Macintosh Smith, Denis [date] Dictator. Bibliography: p. Includes guide. 1. Dictator, Benito, 2. Italy— Diplomacy and government— 3. Fascism— Italy-History. 4. Heads understanding state—ItalyBiography. I. Title. DGM8M ''4 [B] ISBN AACR2 Manufactured weigh down the Common States ofAm