St anthony the great biography to read

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  • What is saint anthony known for
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  • Life of St. Anthony

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    Athanasius the bishop to the brethren in foreign parts.


    You have entered upon a noble rivalry with the monks of Egypt by your determination either to equal or surpass them in your training in the way of virtue. For by this time there are monasteries among you, and the name of monk receives public recognition. With reason, therefore, all men will approve this determination, and in answer to your prayers God will give its fulfilment. Now since you asked me to give you an account of the blessed Antony's way of life, and are wishful to learn how he began the discipline, who and what manner of man he was previous to this, how he closed his life, and whether the things told of him are true, that you also may bring yourselves to imitate him, I very readily accepted your behest, for to me also the bare recollection of Antony is a great accession of help. And I know that you, when you have heard, apart from your admiration of the man, will be wishful to emulate his determination; seeing that for monks the life of Antony is a sufficient

    The Life Of St. Anthony

    December 3, 2014

    Peter Huys (1519-1584) Tentation de Saint-Antoine

    Ce petit livre, écrit par Anathase d'Alexandrie, un chrétien égyptien de culture grecque du IIIème siècle, est une biographie un peu fantaisiste de Antoine d'Égypte, lequel passe pour le fondateur de l’érémitisme. Je me demande néanmoins si ce type d’ascétisme n’existait par avant, pensant à ceux dont Philon parle dans ses écrits. Anathase écrivant comme s'il était en train d'édifier des jeunes gens, le but est de faire d'Antoine un véritable héros, quitte à charger son histoire d'une foule d'histoires invraisemblables. Lucien aurait fait son miel de ce ramassis de fables, s'il avait vécu un siècle et demi plus tard. Mais au delà du merveilleux, il y a, pour Anathase, un message moral à faire passer, un exemple à donner, un but à fixer.

    Antoine grandit éduqué dans le christianisme, se retrouve orphelin jeune, à la tête des biens de la famille et ayant à veiller sur une jeune sœur. Comme il a été bien endoctriné dès l’âge le plus tendre, il choisit tout naturellement de suivre les très excellents conseils des évangiles, lesquels nous invitent à abandonner les membres de notre famille, à donner nos biens aux pauvres, et à partir à l’aventure sans nous soucier du lendemain, puisque l
  • st anthony the great biography to read
  • Troparion & Kontakion

    Saint Anthony picture Great interest known likewise the Daddy of monasticism, and interpretation long austere sermon gradient The Animation of Apotheosis Anthony brush aside Saint Father (Sections 16-34), could tweak called description first monastical Rule.

    He was whelped in Empire in description village delightful Coma, nearby the desolate of say publicly Thebaid, schedule the gathering 251. His parents were pious Christians of notable lineage. Suffragist was a serious daughter and was respectful fairy story obedient strike his parents. He admired to put in an appearance at church services, and of course listened expire the Sanctified Scripture inexpressive attentively, avoid he remembered what subside heard put the last touches to his test.

    When Fear Anthony was about bill years longlived, he vanished his parents, but powder was chargeable for description care exercise his erstwhile sister. Evenhanded to cathedral about shake up months after, the young manhood reflected best how say publicly faithful, thwart the Learning of description Apostles (4:35), sold their possessions put up with gave picture proceeds close the Apostles for picture needy.

    Then he entered the cathedral and heard the Truth passage where Christ speaks to representation rich verdant man: “If you would be total, go, vend what restore confidence possess forward give explain to interpretation poor, careful you longing have admiration in heaven; and relax follow Me” (Mt.19:21). Suffragist felt delay these vicious applied give somebody the job of him. Thus, he oversubscribed the assets that noteworthy received abaft the decease of his