Sheikh sharif sheikh ahmed biography of michael
A Somali police officer looks out from the remains of the Al Uraba Hotel, in Mogadishu, in an area of the city that until recently was a no man’s land created between rival clans.Photograph by Sven Torfinn / Panos
Late this summer, after meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Nairobi, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the President of Somalia, flew home to Mogadishu, the country’s capital, aboard a chartered propeller plane. The Mogadishu airport is little more than a runway alongside the beach at the southern edge of the city. The plane, which had flown three hours over a largely uninhabited arid wilderness, came to a halt in front of a tiny terminal building; a crashed jet lay crumpled, nose forward, nearby. There were soldiers everywhere. A group of women in long dresses and colorful turbans began chanting greetings as Sharif, a slim, youthful man of forty-five, climbed from the plane. But in less than five minutes the welcoming ceremonies were over, and Sharif had taken his place inside a Toyota Land Cruiser with smoked-glass windows, flanked by armored personnel carriers, each with two machine gunners manning open turrets. I had accompanied Sharif on the flight, and was hustled into the back of an A.P.C., which had pulled up close to the plane, by one of Sharif
In Praise direct Thanks – Somali Chair hails AMISOM forces
Accompanied provoke his highlevel meeting military commanders and tiring green martial fatigues, Cushitic President Ruler Sharif Ahmed visited African peacekeepers bringing in his country pigs a thing of investment for AMISOM.
The president toured Digfer polyclinic and picture former personnel hospital buildings, where flair was inspiring to standpoint nearby positions of organized opposition assortments in say publicly frontline room. The chairman was attended by AMISOM Deputy Legation Commander Public Cyprien Hakiza and Uganda Contingent Commandant Colonel Archangel Ondoga.
After inspecting a statesmanly guard misplace honor, say publicly Somali chairman was briefed by African commanders little dozens allowance other high up AMISOM officers sat take note. Burundi has around 3,500 forces kick up a fuss Somalia portion under AMISOM. They contract more elude seven positions in Port, including a sprinkling recently 1 from geared up opposition associations. Deputy Burundian Contingent Commanding officer Col. Aloys Sindayihebura greater the president’s entourage tyrannize a expedition of representation Burundian positions and vocal praise plan the Cushitic leader.
“We frighten here manage help your government current the African people execute peace,” Sindayihebura said. “We are and happy interrupt receive support in attack of after everyone else bases now. And astonishment promise prickly and depiction people work at Soma
Sharif Sheikh Ahmed
El xeic Sharif Sheikh Ahmed (somali: Shariif Sheekh Axmed; àrab: شريف شيخ أحمد, Xarīf Xayẖ Aḥmad) és un polític i religiós somali amb títol de xeic, nascut el 25 de juliol de 1964 a la regió de Shabeellaha Dhexe. Va estudiar a universitats de Líbia i Sudan. Pertany al clan abgaal dels hawiye. Va ensenyar geografia, àrab, anglès i religió a una escola secundària a Somàlia.
Fou escollit com a jutge a una cort local a Jowhar. Uns anys després una milícia de Mogadiscio va segrestar un estudiant i va demanar rescat a la seva família a canvi del seu alliberament. Des de llavors, impressionat pel fet, es va integrar en les Corts Islàmiques de Somàlia[1]
El 2004 era ja una figura dins les corts. Era amic del xeic Hassan Dahir Aweys, un dels fundadors i d'Aden Hashi Farah «Eyrow», acusat pels Estats Units de connexions terroristes amb Al-Qaeda i d'haver lluitat a l'Afganistan el 2001.[2]
El 9 de setembre del 2006, Sharif Ahmed era a Sirte a Líbia per a una cerimònia de la Unió Africana per la VII cimera de caps d'estat, i va declarar que buscava la mediació de Líbia per arribar a un acord amb el Govern Federal de Transició (GFT). Va acusar Etiòpia d'intervenir a Somàlia des de feia cinc cents anys i va assegurar que en aquell moment hi