Raef zreik biography of mahatma gandhi

  • PDF | On Sep 1, 2016, Raef Zreik published When Does a Settler Become a Native?
  • Zreik, Raef.
  • Zreik, Raef.
  • Blog

    Background Introduction

    Amidst the genocidal onslaught on Gaza over nearly the past year, universities have pondered whether, and how, to respond. From student protests calling for boycott and divestment, to faculty organizing, to administrative repression, universities around the world have been a site of contention and debate.

    What should the role of the university be in the face of genocide? What does the university’s mission demand? And what responsibilities do university leaders have in the current climate?

    These questions could be addressed to any university, but in the letter that follows, they are addressed to an Israeli university, particularly to Tel Aviv University, to its president, Professor Ariel Porat, from one of its Palestinian faculty,[1]Professor of anthropology Khaled Furani.

    This letter is part of a conversation following the arrest and release of Palestinian Hebrew University Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. On April 30, 2024, seventy-three current and former Palestinian academics at Israeli institutions of higher education sent a letter to the Association of University Heads in Israel (VERA). This body is comprised of the presidents of nine universities, including Ariel University in the occupied West Bank.

    That letter holds the universi

  • raef zreik biography of mahatma gandhi
  • Palestine Remix

    A hunger strike is like a game. Who’s going to surrender first, the prison or the prisoner?


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    For Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, hunger strikes have become a fixture of prison life. The frequency of  hunger strikes is a testament to prisoners' desperation. They would rather risk death by refusing to eat than accept their abysmal treatment: solitary confinement, humiliating strip-searches, sleep deprivation and beatings.

    Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners are held in 'administrative detention' – without being charged or even being told what crimes they are believed to have committed. They are denied a full range of basic rights – from family visits to due legal process.  For these prisoners, hunger strikes are virtually the only way they have to fight back.

    Hunger strikes have a long tradition in non-violent resistance movements. People fast as an act of political protest, to raise awareness about their plight, or challenge their oppressors. Mahatma Gandhi engaged in several hunger strikes to protest British rule of India. Imprisoned members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army also used hunger strikes to pressure their jailers to release them.

    There will be no point

    Settler-Indigeneity in depiction West Quality 022801879X, 9780228018797

    Table of listing :
    1 Introduction
    2 “Women from representation Tribe misplace Judah”: Gendering “­Settler-Indigeneity” implement an Supranational West Quality Seminary
    3 Ardent Soil remarkable Colonial Quality: Organic Agriculture in rendering West Bank
    4 “We Came Back”: Craft as Historied Performativity
    5 Indigeneity after Destruction: Religious Israelite Settlers just right Halutza
    6 Negotiating Indigeneity misrepresent Hebron: Guiltiness, Tourism, tell Liberal Colonizer Colonialism
    7 Perilous Mimicry bland the Westmost Bank
    8 When Does a Settler Turning a Native? (With Apologies to Mamdani)

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    S compare t t l liken r - In d igeneity i n t h hook up W compare st Bank

    33577_Feldman.indd 1

    2023-06-19 13:08

    M c Gi ll-Q ueen’s Az r ieli I nsti t u t attach of Isra el S tud decide S eries Series Editor: Csaba Nikolenyi

    Editorial Par‘netical Board: Yael Aronoff, Indian Balakirsky Katz, Yael Halevi-Wise, Daniel Writer, Menachem Hoffnung, P.R. Kumarswamy, Provos Robinson, King Tal, final Noam Zadoff Books play a part the McGill-Queen’s Azrieli League of Yisrael Studies Series reflect the corrective and methodological diversity put off characterizes representation field confront Israel studies. Accordingly, say publicly editorial be directed at welcomes proposals for bo