Peter grotzer biography
Volume 12
Issue 1 | Issue 2 | Issue 3 | Issue 4
VOL. 12, No. 1, 1975
Le Conte du Graal and Sir Perceval of Galles
David C. Fowler
Two Baroque Devotional Poets: La Ceppède and Alabaster
Lance K. Donaldson-Evans
Figaro, fils naturel de Polly Baker? ou la Réhabilitation de Marceline
Agnes G. Raymond
Alice in France or Can Lewis Carroll Be Translated?
Peter Pickard
Hermann Broch Comparatist and Humanist
Joseph Strelka
Book Reviews
Francois Jost, Introduction to Comparative Literature
(Henri Peyre)
Fredric Jameson, The Prison House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism
(James D. West)
Mark Morofrd, The Endless Fountain: Essays on Classical Humanism
(Charles Witke)
Aldo Scaglione, The Classical Theory of Composition from its Origins to the Present: A Historical Survey
(Thomas M. Greene)
Friedrich Gaede, Realismus von Brandt bis Brecht
(Philip Grundlehner)
Albert Béguin, Creation et destinée: Essais de critique littéraire
(J.H.E. Paine)
John Stokes, Resistible Theatres: Enterprise and Experiment in the Late 19th Century
(Stanley Weintraub)
VOL. 12, No. 2, 1975
Adaptations of Moliere-Lully’s Le Bourgeois gentilhomme by Hofrnannsthal and Strauss
Jack M. Stein
Jón Por
Sebastian M Waszak, PhD
afEuropean Molecular Biology Workplace, Genome Bioscience Unit, Heidelberg, Germany
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Paul A Northcott, PhD
ajDivision of Paediatric Neurooncology, Germanic Cancer Pool (DKTK), European Cancer Digging Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
brDepartment of Developmental Neurobiology, Engage in Jude Novice Research Infirmary, Memphis, TN, USA
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Ivo Buchhalter, PhD
amDivision of Speculative Bioinformatics, Germanic Cancer Investigating Center, Heidelberg, Germany
aoDivision conclusion Applied Bioinformatics, German Mortal Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
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Giles W Robinson, MD
bsDepartment of Oncology, St Saint Children's Enquiry Hospital, City, TN, USA
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Christian Sutter, PhD
agInstitute make out Human Biology, Heidelberg Institution of higher education, Heidelberg, Germany
Find articles uncongenial Christian Sutter
Susanne Groebner, PhD
ajDivision of Paediatric Neurooncology, Germanic Cancer Syndicate (DKTK), Germanic Cancer Exploration Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
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Problem-solving method
For other uses, see Heuristic (disambiguation).
Not to be confused with Eureka (word).
A heuristic[1] or heuristic technique (problem solving, mental shortcut, rule of thumb)[2][3][4][5] is any approach to problem solving that employs a pragmatic method that is not fully optimized, perfected, or rationalized, but is nevertheless "good enough" as an approximation or attribute substitution.[6][7] Where finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical, heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution.[8][9] Heuristics can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision.[10][11][12]
Heuristic reasoning is often based on induction, or on analogy ... Induction is the process of discovering general laws ... Induction tries to find regularity and coherence ... Its most conspicuous instruments are generalization, specialization, analogy. [...] Heuristic discusses human behavior in the face of problems [... that have been] preserved in the wisdom of proverbs.[13]
— George Pólya, How to Solve It