Paulette ramsay biography sample
Sample Lesson Plan:: Aunt Jen by Paulette Ramsay
Sample Lesson Plan:: Aunt Jen by Paulette Ramsay
Grades: 12-13
Time: 60 minutes
Unit: 1
Module: Prose
Topic: Aunt Jen by Paulette Ramsay
Sub-topic: An Introduction
Attainment Target: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
Understand the historical context of the text, Aunt
Lesson Objectives: 1. Analyse the context in which the text is written
2. Examine how meaning is affected by context
3. Evaluate video based on context
Previous Knowledge The teacher would have reviewed the different types of novels
and their characteristics.
Resources Aunt Jen by Paulette Ramsay
Historical Context:
Further exploration-
Interpreting literature: Historical context v. personal
Historical data on Jamaica:
Paulette Ramsay-
- Oral history from elders in the community.
- Library archives.
Content Cultural Life
Jamaica’s cultural development has been deeply inf
Out of Visit One Categorical - Type Interview Comicalness Paulette Ramsay by Carrie J. Walker
Out of Visit One Categorical - Type Interview Comicalness Paulette Ramsay by Carrie J. Walker
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Review of Star Apple Blue and Avocado Green. By Paulette Ramsay. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 2016
Publication of the afro-latin/american research association (Palara) Fall 2019 • Issue 23 issn 2639-1295 doi:10.32855/palara.2019.011 Book Review Star Apple Blue and Avocado Green By Paulette A. Ramsay Warrick Lattibeaudaire • University of Technology Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 2016. 102 pages. $10.95, paperback. ISBN: 978-9-76637-918-6. female writer’s objective to dispel the notion that storytelling and the relay of oral tradition is a function of males. The title of the collection grabs the reader’s attention and amsay’s collection of poems she names Star Apple Blue and signals the author’s intention to name her collection off two Avocado Green adds to her extensive and decorated literary Caribbean and familiarly local fruits, avocado and star apple, treasure grove. This well-cultivated orchard forms a one blue, the other green. As she tells us in her first poem, using canopy with branches into poetry, prose and literary criticism. She metaphor: “she smiles wistfully at the foaming purple blue and again, with this, one of her latest sprouts, embarks in her comfort avocado green waves, her colours of laughter and life.” The poet, zone and area of farming expertise: p