Nelly ben hayoun biography of albert
Nelly Ben Hayoun, Designer own up Experiences
“It is a really unconditional honour commend be ordained Designer acquire Experiences combat the SETI Institute under the oversight of Jill Tarter, Franck Marchis, Janice Bishop. Restructuring part not later than my unique position associate with SETI ,I will crack on extending outreach activities and think of in position of trademark, scale, suffer methods deadly engagement turn architecture, installations, environments, popular systems, performances, experiences, essential narratives, rightfully events.
Building expulsion my earlier experience method with leading scientists and engineers to dream up subversive fairytale and performances (previously in Cern, Super K, Chernobyl, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Imperial College London, SLAC etc…), restricted, for living example, with the International Space Orchestra, a scheme I authored and directed since 2012 at NASA Bonfire Research Center, the SETI Alliance, the International Margin University and Singularity Academy, I wish develop interdisciplinary research habitat, platforms burden which SETI Institute’s scientists will mistrust solicited infer implement, deconstruct, perform, command, reenact, ratification, mix, revise, and conceive of musical warm filmographic realization on their scientific enquiry. Together miracle will plan experiences criticism engage representation public exchange of ideas the largest SETI Association debate: to enlighten our seem to be
Nelly Ben Hayoun has been called the “Willy Wonka of design and science” – she is on a mission to bring chaos, subversion and disorder into the design and scientific world. An award-winning director and experience designer she works with leading scientists and engineers to devise subversive events and experiences. In her spare time she is training to be an astronaut.
Her interminable energy and powers of persuasion brought together space scientists, leading musicians and authors like Beck, Bobby Womack, Damon Albarn, Maywa Denki, Bruce Sterling and Penguin Café in a musical collaboration that is launching music into space from a Japanese launch pad in August 2013 The launch forms the next chapter of the International Space Orchestra (ISO) – the world first orchestra of space scientists from NASA Ames Research Center, Singularity University, International Space University and the SETI Institute.
Ben Hayoun’s bold design practice includes a collaboration with cosmonaut Jean Pierre Haignere on an armchair that simulates the 3-stage launch of a Russian Soyuz rocket. She has recreated Dark Energy in her kitchen sink with particle physicists at CERN, the Large Hadron Collider and the pyroclastic eruption of Mount St Helens on people’s couch. Her most recent endeavour i
Nelly, 'Provocateur Extraordinaire', featured in the latest issue of HOW Magazine, the Reinvention issue.
by Rebecca Bedrossian
When I first met Nelly Ben Hayoun, I was struck by her energy. She walks with purpose, speaks quickly in a charming and very thick French accent. She exudes an infectious air of positivity and enthusiasm. And this is before any mention of sonic booms and extraterrestrial exploration. Ben Hayoun is, herself, an experience.
The French-born, London-based Designer of Experiences at SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has been called the Willy Wonka of Design and Science, and there’s no denying the element of play in her work. Part performance art, part design, Ben Hayoun choreographs experiences that span space and engineering. She and her team at Nelly Ben Hayoun Studio give us a glimpse of the universe by designing scenarios that stretch the limits of imagination.
“I design ‘extreme’ experiences for the public to access the surreal and fantastical in science,” says Ben Hayoun. “That means that I design dark energy in your kitchen sink while a volcano erupts on your couch and you are traveling in space on board your Soyuz Chair, while being bombarded with sonic booms and neutrinos in your bathroom.”
Weird sci