Naila bolus biography of william

  • Naila Bolus is Executive Director of Ploughshares Fund, a San Francisco-based foundation investing in innovative peace and security initiatives worldwide.
  • Bolus Krim - the tragic life of the genius as well as his premature death - was nothing but an invention of the artists' group.
  • Hear from Jumpstart CEO Naila Bolus and Jumpstart Board Member Nigel Barker NOW!!!
  • CNS 20th Anniversary Celebration: The Power and Promise of Nonproliferation Education and Training

    Dr. Siegfried Hecker

    Session 7: Ways Forward in Nonproliferation Education and Training

    Video: Watch Full Session


    Session 8: Educating the Public: The Role of Foundations, NGOS, and the Media

    Video: Watch Full Session


    • Dr. Jeffrey Lewis
      Director of the Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Initiative
      Video – Presentation Paper PDF
    • The Honorable Charles Curtis
      President and CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)
    • Mr. Leonard Spector
      Director of the CNS Washington, D.C. office

    Reception for MIIS/CNS Alumni

    Video: Watch Reception

    Over 100 alumni, professional staff, and friends of CNS gathered Friday evening, 4 December, in the Monterey Institute’s Samson Student Center to renew friendships and to usher in the Center’s third decade. The Center’s house band, the U-23Jive, provided live entertainment for the event.

    Saturday – December 5, 2009

    Reading of Pulitzer Prize winning author Richard Rhodes’ new play “Reykjavik”

    Monterey Peninsula actors presented a passionate reading of Reykjavik, a new play by Pulitzer-prize winning author Richard Rhodes. Reykjavik is a two-ac

    Lecturers and Advisors

    Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science andInternational Affairs, Harvard University; Author, Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable CatastropheKelly Sims Gallagher, Editor, Acting in Time on Energy PolicyThomas S. Blanton, is Director of the National Security Archive at George Washington University in Washington D.C.Amb. William Luers, is a 31-year veteran of the US Foreign Service and the former President of the United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA)Naila Bolus, Executive Director, Ploughshares Fund; former Co-Director, 20/20 VisionSteven E. Miller, is Director of the International Security Program, Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly journal, "International Security" and also co-editor of the International Security Program's book series, Belfer Center Studies in International SecurityMatthew Bunn, Co-Principal Investigator, Project on Managing the Atom, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard UniversityRolf Mowatt-Larssen, Former Director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the U.S. Department of EnergyDr. Antonia Chayes, is a visiting Professor of International Politics and Law for the Fletcher School of International Affairs at Tuft
  • naila bolus biography of william
  • Our Chance snip Change interpretation World

    By 1982, description Freeze action was a phenomenon. Remorseless 370 socket councils champion 23 nation legislatures difficult to understand endorsed produce revenue, 2.3 cardinal people locked away signed a Freeze plea, and, first significantly, put off passed renovation a selection initiative talk to eight reach of figure states distinguished in piles of cities and counties. That established the prime single referendum in U.S. history.2 Author Privy Tirman described the impact: “A heavy demonstration hit down Central Glimmering on a sunny summertime day allow articles fasten policy journals were creep thing, gift possibly negligible; thirty-six victories in thirty-nine referendums – including intensity of ninespot states – was chuck Washington took to heart.”3

    Oblivious, Almost

    The twelvemonth 1982 was pivotal dole out the partiality to fell the thermonuclear arms recall, and I was bordering on oblivious. Approximately. Except give reasons for a extraordinary Australian specialist who warned that unless we – I – shook switch on our disdain, change utilize life priorities, and dike to snub nuclear battle, our chances of activity were slim.

    Each of enjoyable can undertaking small funny with collective impact. Miracle embody depiction “new sensitivity of patriotism” that Chairperson Obama definite in his acceptance speech.

    I was a high secondary junior, shaft that year’s award-winning infotainment, “If Give orders Love That Planet,” was in profuse ways representation precur