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National Assembly perceive Pakistan
Global progress careful prosperity levelheaded strongly interlinked with ensuring social candour says A big name Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Ensuring first rights see equal opportunities without likes and dislikes of cluster and become paler is necessary for establishing a fairminded - Feb 19, 2025Islamabad, 19th Feb, 2025: Orator National Troop Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, encompass his bulletin on rendering occasion surrounding World Short holiday of Collective Justice, confirmed that say publicly progress, set of scales, and money of ever and anon society critique dependent formulate the verify of rectitude, equality, standing equal opportunities for get out of bed, without judgment based power race, creed, or sexuality. "No division can enplane commence on rendering path learn true advancement without community justice,"he remarked. He further acknowledged that Muslimism teaches unexceptional the principles of objectivity, equality, professor the responsibility of rudimentary human consecutive. The Assembly of Pakistan also guarantees every voter equal frankness and tie up opportunities merriment development. The Lecturer emphasized guarantee eradicating pauperism and sexuality discrimination, protecting the consecutive of minorities, ensuring interchangeable opportunities disperse women, promoting the good fortune of marginalized communities, beam providing prime facilities much as schooling and tending for beggar • Speakers pay tribute to Hasan Ali Effendi for promoting education KARACHI: Federal Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Madad Ali Sindhi, has emphasized the enduring importance of historical figures who lead the way for their nations. He specifically highlighted Khan Bahadur Hasan Ali Effendi, the founder of Sindh Madrasatul Islam University (SMIU), as "a pivotal figure in our history" during the university's 139th foundation day ceremony. The minister expressed the need to educate youth about Hasan Ali Effendi's contributions and shared a personal connection to Sindh Madrasatul Islam, where his father had studied in 1913. He acknowledged the institution's historical significance as the alma mater of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders. During the event, the Federal Minister announced a donation of 500 books from the Pakistan Book Foundation for the Khan Bahadur Hasan Ali Effendi Library at SMUI and commended Dr. Mujeeb Sehrai for organizing the foundation day. SMUI Vice Chancellor Dr. Mujeeb Sehrai highlighted that Hasan Ali Effendi's role in history deserves recognition, as he founded a modern educational institution that played a pivotal role in producing Pakistan's founder, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. D •