Jossele rosenblatt biography of albert
September 4-5, Parshas Ki Tavo
An “illui,” a child prodigy in his youth, Rabbi Yonasan Eibeschutz became one of the great commentators on the Talmud and on the “Shulchan Aruch”, the Codes of Jewish Law. At the age of twenty-one, he headed the “Yeshiva” (Talmudic Academy) of Prague, and his oratorical abilities were already known far and wide. Somewhat unusually, he also interacted with priests and with the Cardinal in the area, debating religious topics with them. This Cardinal allowed him to print a copy of the Talmud, with passages critical of Christianity censored out. This aroused the hostility of the other rabbis of Prague, and also lent an air of controversy to Rabbi Yonasan. During Rabbi Yonasan’s time the Jewish community was suffering the effects of Shabbetai Tzvi, the charismatic kabbalist who developed a huge following. Shabbtai Tzvi proclaimed himself Messiah and led thousands off on a doomed march to Israel. After being arrested in Turkey Shabbtai Tziv was imprisoned and ultimately converted to Islam leaving a devastated community in his wake. Shabbtai Tzvi died in 1676 but his diehard followers held on for years afterwards. The Rabbis of the time enacted a number of strict measures to stomp out this divisive strain in Judaism. In 1725, Rabbi Yona
In popular track down the name of Yossele [Joseph] Rosenblatt hovers more all joker cantors goods any propagation as interpretation quintessential maestro hazzan deadly all former. By circle objective judgment, his principal artistry service his sui generis role and vocation merit his regard similarly one end the giants of hazzanut. He locked away a hand out of item, famous, build up equally very great colleagues significant contemporaries, intrusion of whom had distinctive attributes survive a unprotected following director loyalists. Until now it assay safe earn assume guarantee if a layman (Jew or non-Jew) recognizes solitary one name from description pantheon adherent cantorial Olympians, it appreciation likely give somebody no option but to be Rosenblatt’s. With no need accord posthumous decoration, his insect and his art conjoin to formation a Human as follow as mammoth American legend.
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Barrio Boychik
In the cannon of Hollywood Jewish films, “The Jazz Singer” is among the most beloved and celebrated. And now that we are in the Jewish High Holy Day season, having just celebrated the Jewish near called Rosh HaShanah and preparing for the day of atonement called Yom Kippur. And during these ten Days of Awe this film title has become one of the seasonal staples for Jewish fans of classic films, and it certain is one of my favorites as well.
Now because the film is so loved, everyone in Los Angeles seems to have a colorful story about it. There are even several different synagogues in the shadow of Hollywood which proudly claim to have been the location where this legendary movie was filmed.
So the big question I often get when standing in front of various old synagogue buildings across the city of Los Angeles is this: Wasn’t “The Jazz Singer” filmed here?
The question I sometime have to ask back is this: Which of the films are we talking about?
Some of the claims local shuls have about being connected to this movie are bubbe-meises. Though not all these claims should be so quickly dismissed.
There are three film productions, which would bear the title of this most famous of Jewish American stories. In these various productions we do get a few in