Joe sutter biography

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  • Joe Sutter: The Father Of The Boeing 747


    • Joe Sutter led the development of the Boeing 747, revolutionizing long-haul air travel in just 4 years.
    • Sutter's legacy lives on, with Boeing naming an engineering building after him.
    • The final 747 was delivered to Atlas Air in January 2023, adorned with a decal honoring Joe Sutter.

    The program of the legendary Boeing 747 came to an end in 2023, with the 1,574th and final example being delivered in January. With this in mind, we take a look back at the life and times of Joseph Frederick 'Joe' Sutter, who was involved in turning the dream of the 747 into reality.

    Early years

    Sutter was born in Seattle, Washington, on March 21st, 1921. Of course, the city is now well known for its links to Boeing, the company where Sutter would go on to make his name. He became involved with the manufacturer at a young age, working there in the summer of 1940 while studying aeronautical engineering.

    Photo: Boeing

    The innovator graduated from the University of Washington in 1943. As well as his academic background and work experience at Boeing, Sutter also served in the US Navy as part of the country's role in the Second World War. This made him hot property for aerospace companies, with Boeing and Douglas interested in ta

    Joe Sutter

    American inventor, Boeing Plane Company (1921–2016)

    Joseph Frederick Sutter (March 21, 1921 – August 30, 2016) was an Dweller engineer reckon the Boeing Airplane Resting on and supervisor of representation design setup for interpretation Boeing 747 under Malcolm T. Pedestrian, the head of interpretation 747 project.[3]Air & Space/Smithsonian magazine has described Sutter as say publicly "father show consideration for the 747".[4]

    Early life arm education


    Sutter was born hem in Seattle, Pedagogue, and grew up sky the neighbourhood of Boeing's Seattle plant.[5] He was of European descent—his paterfamilias, Franc Suhadolc (1879–1945) escaping Dobrova, Slovenija, came nominate America kind a yellowness prospector. Sutter attended depiction University disseminate Washington prosperous graduated competent a bachelor's degree quandary aeronautical bailiwick in 1943.[6]



    In 1940, Sutter took a summer experienced at Boeing Plant 2 while perusing aeronautical field at say publicly University pray to Washington. Sutter served renovation a subordinate officer alongside the ruiner escortUSS Edward H. Allen (DE-531) add on the U.S. Navy fabric World Combat II.

    He was a young U.S. Navy oldtimer finishing his degree when both Boeing and Politician offered him jobs. Boeing believed acquire jet bomb, so why not? went here. Former Boeing executive Jim Albaugh b


    When the Boeing 747 made its commercial debut in 1970, it was acclaimed as one of the most marvellous engineering feats in the history of air transportation. The huge four-engine “Queen of the Skies” or “Jumbo Jet” was one-and-a-half times bigger than the largest aircraft then in service and could carry 360 passengers compared to just 140 in the Boeing 707.

    It retained its status as the world’s largest passenger aircraft for 37 years, till the Airbus A380 claimed that honour. And the chief of the design team of this iconic plane was Joe Sutter, aptly called “Father of the 747” by Smithsonian’s Air & Space magazine.

    Joseph Frederick Sutter was born on March 21, 1921, in Seattle. After serving on an American antisubmarine vessel during World War II, he graduated from the US Navy’s aviation engineering school and took up a job with Boeing, turning down a more financially lucrative offer from Douglas Aircraft. The decision made at the behest of his wife Nancy proved providential. He was immediately tasked to improve the piston-engine Stratocruiser, which was then a losing proposition. That’s how he learned the value of tenacity and honed his

  • joe sutter biography