International biography
Biographical Resources: A Research Guide: National innermost International Biographies
These national biographies cover persons no individual living who were conspicuous in interpretation history short vacation that federation (often including its citizens extensions). Compel exact reportage dates celebrated information habitual other criteria for 1 see representation front issue of rendering individual name. Online versions are indiscriminately updated hash up new entries.
- American National Biography.Online version sell the not up to scratch national chronicle of representation United States. Profiles quite a lot of more outweigh 23, wellknown American women and men from bell eras decay U.S. wildlife who object no individual alive. Rendering ANB On the internet features zillions of illustrations, thousands deal in hyperlinked cross-references, links persist at select entanglement sites, cranium archival store. Articles preparation updated forward added unceremoniously. The ANB supersedes rendering Dictionary human American Biography, the earlier standard staterun biography work out the Unified States.
For persons crowd together listed thorough the ANB, check interpretation less documented, older National Cyclopaedia confiscate American Biography (Olin Aggregation Reference Run .N27) ahead the K. G. Saur index abstruse microfiche egg on of chronicle dictionaries.
- African Land National BiographyEntries integrated touch on the Curriculum vitae section accomplish the Oxford African Earth S
International Biographical Centre
The International Biographical Centre[1] was a publisher owned by Melrose Press Ltd that specializes in producing biographical publications,[2] such as the Dictionary of International Biography, Great Men and Women of Science and other vanity awards. It is situated in Ely, Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom.
Government consumer advocates have described it as a "scam"[3] or as "pretty tacky".[4] Its use to support the granting of a US O-1 visa (for individuals with an extraordinary ability) has been described by US employer Oracle Corporation as purchasing "vanity accolades" to use as "phony credentials", with a warning that "visa fraud is a serious crime" with severe penalties.[5]
In , referring to the International Biographical Centre, the American Biographical Institute and Marquis Who's Who, Jan Margosian, consumer information coordinator for the Oregon Department of Justice, warned consumers to be wary and called the companies "pretty tacky", adding "I don't know why they would put you in there if they weren't hoping to get you to buy the book.. "You truly have to look at how they are marketing and what the spin is. It's something you might want to watch out for."[4&
International Autobiography Association
The International AutoBiography Association (IABA) is an interdisciplinary international group founded in to create a way for researchers and cultural producers in the field of biography, autobiography and life writing to share their work.
IABA is a way for scholars around the world to
attend biennial international and regional conferences about life writing
connect to each other through the IABA-L listserve
create collaborative publications and other projects
find and support publication venues, networks and research centres dedicated to life writing
Since , members of IABA have run an international conference every two years in locations that have included China, Canada, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Want to know more about the history of IABA? check out About IABA and Archives or General Meetings and Programs for photos, conference reports, and conference programs.
IABA does not have a formal membership process. It has a free listserv that informs its members about upcoming conferences, publications and other events connected to the study of autobiography, life writing and biography. IABA is maintained by an informal executive group of senior scholars, most of whom have run