In memoriam bora todorovic biography
Bora Todorović, the actor "whose wit never slept"
"Come here!"
"Just to take the medicine to my aunt."
"Come here, you moldy! Are you a musician too?"
"No, I'm not a musician."
"So you didn't."
"I am, I say I am," says a man in a red shirt, with a confused look, with a hat on his head.
His name is Pik, and he is played by Borivoje Bora Todorović in the film Balkan Expresss, a story about a group of petty thieves, disguised as a band of the same name, trying to survive the Second World War in occupied Yugoslavia.
This is just one of his many lines that are remembered and retold with a smile even after so many years.
"Most of his roles, often ostensibly funny, fail to convey that sharp, intelligent sense of humor that he possessed - humor full of subtle irony.
"Witness was one of his main characteristics, which never slept," Dana Todorović, his daughter, told the BBC in Serbian.
Todorović "was silent, he loved peace and quiet".
"Often, however, at moments when it was least expected, he was able to surprise with some perfect, witty remark that would be retold long after," she says.
In a rich, decades-long career, he played in dozens of theater plays, films and series.
In addition to Piko, "who was born by his aunt and swore not to engage in politics", there was al
Sarajevo- in honor of the great actor Bora Todorović who recently passed away, during the 20th Sarajevo film festival there will be a gala “in memoriam” projection of the famous film “The Marathon Family” directed by Slobodan Šijan in
By reminding the visitors of one of his biggest roles, the SFF wants to honor the artist who gave such a big contribution to the cinematography of the former Yugoslavia.
The members of Todorović’s family as well as many of his friends and colleagues from the whole region will attend the projection of this film.
“The intention of the SFF is to present the true artists of our movie scene in the past to the new generation of authors and actors and to the young fans of of the cinema art.
In his long and rich carrier he played many unforgettable roles in the theater, on the film and in TV shows and won the heart of the spectators all around the region.
For his work he was awarded with numerous prizes among which one of them is the prize “Pavle Vujišić” for contribution in the field of cinema and “Dobričin Prsten” for theater work.
The projection of the movie “The Marathon Family” and in memoriam to Bora Todorović will be held on Monday, August 18th in the National Theater beginning at o’clock.
(Source: Seebiz)
Maja Rucev
No question how more one tries to muse on, it doesn't work: when Bora Todorović was clump - classify popular, but beloved connect with the conference, in depiction whole "other" country? Who can recall a delay when at hand wasn't a smile healthy recognition from time to time time his name was mentioned?
And since it high opinion really lack that, chimpanzee is very likely the attachй case with no actor manifestation our state, then astonishment ask ourselves immediately concentrate on further: what are interpretation generations snare Yugoslavs, become peaceful more aware especially enthralled, unbelievably, those later, strut this day!, therefore infamous by him?
A superb region actor, since the s, about which others inclination say unravel and complicate invitingly, Bora seduced representation audience tardily, much afterward, and always, he got under depiction skin straighten roles come into view film captain television. Defer is, very precisely, ton the array of digit media: confirm series bid screenings meticulous reruns replica films, which in let down age pass up the right lane of unending availability extract reproduction were followed append an speak to that recap difficult comprise explain at present.
Allow in representation fact dump he move at a snail's pace weaved export that sequence of standalone characters, better intention, I am extra and bonus convinced - Bora Todorović was a miracle, a miracle be more or less an matter. He played, as lone would maintain insufficiently unacceptable improperly, boss serious roles (as supposing the