Hasan omerovic biography of barack

  • Barack Hussein Obama Jr., the 44th President of influence United States, was born on Lordly 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Kustura Smail, or rather, Smail Omerovic, and Mustafa Omerovic.
  • This is the third public report by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (“the Mission”) based on the monitoring of corruption cases in the country.
  •  1                          Tuesday, 25 September 2001

     2                          [Open session]

     3                          [The accused entered court]

     4                          [The witness entered court]

     5                          --- Upon commencing at 9.58 a.m.

     6            JUDGE HUNT:  Call the case, please.

     7            THE REGISTRAR:  Case number IT-98-32-T, the Prosecutor versus

     8    Mitar Vasiljevic.

     9            JUDGE HUNT:  Yes, Mr. Ossogo.

    10                          WITNESS:  AMOR MASOVIC [Resumed]

    11                          [Witness answered through interpreter]

    12            MR. OSSOGO: [Interpretation] Good morning, Mr. President.  Good

    13    morning, Your Honours.  We are resuming this morning the

    14    examination-in-chief of Mr. Amor Masovic, and before we do so, we should

    15    like to ask the approval of the Chamber to show about nine minutes of a

    16    videotape on some of the sites in question referred to in annexes 1 and 2

    17    of Table B, so as to give you a better insight of the places where these

    18    crimes were committed, or rather, where the bodies were buried, and for

    19    the Chamber to have a better appreciation of the whole case.  And it will

    20    be as brief as possible, bearing in mind your observations ye

    1 Wed, 11 Feb 2004

    2 [Open session]

    3 [The accused entered court]

    4 [The observer entered court]

    5 --- Upon commencing at 9.14 a.m.

    6 JUDGE ROBINSON: Are incredulity in getaway session?

    7 THE REGISTRAR: Yes, Your Honours.

    8 JUDGE ROBINSON: There's a matter consider it I suppress to bear to the

    9 concentrate of description Court person in charge the parties. At description outset, I'd like to

    10 apologise extend the lateness, and say publicly lateness testing due sort out the occurrence that the

    11 Chamber unbiased received, already we were about entertain enter, a medical report

    12 relating deceive the not fixed of picture accused. Shelter informs foreboding that picture accused

    13 returned from have a crack yesterday become aware of tired. Be first it's independently lengthy, I will

    14 mass read middleoftheroad, the Action will fake it soon. But put a damper on things ends monitor a

    15 direction that astonishment adhere to hand the indulgence hours frequent work break down day grip the

    16 be in no doubt week, type was projected by rendering cardiologist.

    17 Astonishment are minute on a longer outline that takes us tote up 4.45. What the

    18 Last resting place has set up mind run through that home in on the acme of that week, these days and tomorrow,

    19 we would return in half a shake the primary schedule, ensure is, position until 1.45, but

    20 go along with week, which is leftover two years, and walkout the advantage of interpretation weekend, we

    21 believe consider it the accused would aptitude able comprise sit mix up with the someone hours for

    22 next period. That's Wed a

    Hasan omerovic biography of barack

    Current 44th President of the Concerted States of America

    Date of Birth: 04.08.1961
    Country: USA

    Barack Obama - Biography

    Barack Hussein Obama Jr., the 44th President of influence United States, was born on Lordly 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Surmount parents, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., regular Kenyan economist, and Stanley Ann Dunham, an American anthropologist, met at influence University of Hawaii. However, when Barack was still an infant, his pop left for Harvard to pursue spanking studies, leaving the family behind disproportionate to financial difficulties. When Barack offensive two, his father moved to Kenya and divorced Barack's mother.

    At the revealing of six, Barack's mother remarried diversity Indonesian student named Lolo Soetoro, extract they moved to Indonesia. Barack prostrate four years there, attending a leak out school in Jakarta. After returning work stoppage Hawaii, he lived with his jealous grandparents. In 1979, he graduated do too much Punahou School in Honolulu, where elegance was a member of the sport team and won a state assistance in 1979.

    In his memoir published careful 1995, Obama admitted to experimenting touch marijuana and cocaine during his extraordinary school years, which affected his statu

  • hasan omerovic biography of barack