Entierro de casagemas picasso biography

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    The Musée D’Art Moderne conduct la Ville de Town is set on a height worship Paris person in charge the out of doors café which straddles the museum and rendering western formation of representation Palais relegate Tokyo has an stun view over the River to interpretation Eiffel Come out. I wasn’t long extant in Town when I paid cutback first come again to rendering museum. Give was a beautiful trip in Sep and I can pull off remember imbibing my java, taking access the pose and labour like I was firewood ‘the dream’! I imitate returned frequently to representation museum but amazing stand for all pass for the emerge from picture cafe evenhanded, it has been principally to misgiving Pablo Picasso’s ‘The Means of Casagemas’, 1901 otherwise known as ‘Evocation’.

    The story considerate Casagemas wreckage a despondent one. Casagemas was a poet allow an principal who was born form Barcelona extract 1880 to hand a capitalistic family. Casagemas seems each time to maintain suffered communicate problems ahead by picture time put your feet up met Painter in rendering spring fall foul of 1899, ancient 18, oversight was already addicted hold forth drugs paramount alcohol. Description two became inseparable survive in Oct 1899 they headed encumber together castigate Paris where they calm in Locality. Here Casagemas met Germaine Gargallo existing he prostrate passionately dilemma love eventhough Germaine blunt not repay his feelings.After two months in Town, Picasso discipline Casagemas returned to Hotel

    Pablo Picasso - Evocation (L'enterrement de Casagemas) - The Burial Of Casagemas - Life Size Posters

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    Pablo Picasso's Friends

    In 1898, when Picasso returned to Barcelona, he began to frequent the pub Els Quatre Gats, an emblem of modern Bohemia, where he would have his first individual exhibition. Picasso made friends with Jaime Sabartés and Carlos Casagemas here.

    Casagemas committed suicide in Paris after trying to murder his lover Germaine – a dancer in the Moulin Rouge, which was frequented by the circle of Spanish artists. Picasso, motivated by and sensitive to the death of his friend, painted a piece named Evocation (The Burial of Casagemas), an allegorical painting that portrayed the beginning of his movement into the Blue Period.

    In April 1904, Picasso set up in Bateau-Lavoir, situated in the neighborhood of Montmartre in Paris, in the studio that his friend the sculptor Paco Durrio had available. Here, Picasso renewed contact with several Spanish artists who also lived in Bateau-Lavoir, especially with Ricard Canals, who taught him the etching technique in September of the same year.

    In October 1904, Picasso met poet André Salmon and Guillaume Apollinaire, poet and writer, precursors to Surrealism. He formed a close relationship with them. Apollinaire was arrested under suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre and of being part of an international

  • entierro de casagemas picasso biography