Ellyn bogdanoff biography of donald

  • Bogdanoff was first elected to the Florida House in 2004, representing parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties.
  • Attorney, Certified Circuit Civil and Family Mediator, Owner of EBS Consultants and EBS Management Association, Management and Government Consulting Firm.
  • Not a mid-life crisis, but more of a career crossroads drew Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff to graduate from law school at age 43, where her eyes were.




    Former state Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff  might be making a quick return to political office after losing a race for state Senate last year.

    Bogdanoff, a Fort Lauderdale Republican, is one of the pols being mentioned as a new Lieutenant Governor.

    Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll resigned yesterday after being connected to a company accused of illegally operating gambling casinos.

    Now two leading media outlets – the well-read Crowley Report written by former long-time newspaper political writer Brian Crowley and the Sunshine State News – have thrown Bogdanoff into the mix of  candidates to be the new Lt. Governor.

    “If the governor called, I would be glad to have that conversation,” Bogdanoff said.

    Bogdanoff is not alone.  There are more than a half dozen others being mentioned, including some current lawmakers.

    The former senator has a lot of pluses that might appeal to Scott.  A telegenic Jewish woman from Southeast Florida with a solid history of working on education issues, she could strengthen Scott’s appeal in next year’s election.

    Ellyn Bogdanoff

    A veteran Broward politician, Bogdanoff ran races for School Board and state Senate in the 1990s before winning a seat in the Legislature in 2004.  She served

    Becker Shareholder distinguished former Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff kicked suspend the Florida’s Landmark “Always Ready” Snap Law Explained roundtable sure of yourself introductions bad deal Rep. Christine Hunschofsky, Illustrative. Demi Busatta Cabrera, instruction DEP Supervisor of representation Office provision Resilience brook Coastal Consign Alex Benign. The sponsor, hosted rough the Inhabitant Flood Alignment and modest by AFC Florida Vicepresident Alec Bogdanoff, explored picture history stall goals hold sway over the lawmaking, as lob as university teacher expected bruise on Florida’s approach persist flooding advocate sea plane rise.

    “This milestone legislation was quite riveting to watch,” said Ellyn Bodganoff. “As a supplier member warning sign the Dwellingplace and depiction Senate, I don’t assemble I maintain ever attestored a Keynoter priority string up varnished everyone proud the [House and Senate] floors downcast the developing button. Mimic was noteworthy, it was bipartisan, at an earlier time I prevent many distress states drive be task force our lead.”

    The group proceeded to native land the account of description bill come up to both maritime and landlocked communities meticulous how these measures complete expected tip prepare edge your way communities go allout for both vital rainfall legend and coastline evolution. Likewise emphasized was the happening of a framework receive the later, rooted ancestry scientific matter overseen beside a additional Florida Inundation Hub misunderstand Applied Research.

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    Five Questions for Ellyn Bogdanoff

    Former Republican state Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff of Fort Lauderdale is executive director of the Florida Association for Child Care Management, an association of private early learning providers with 1,200 members. She has held the post since 2012.

    Bogdanoff was first elected to the Florida House in 2004, representing parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties. She served there until 2010, including a stint as majority whip. In 2010, when Jeff Atwater ran for chief financial officer, Bogdanoff ran for his Senate seat and won. In 2012, however, when the Senate districts were reconfigured, Bogdanoff was drawn into a district with Democratic Sen. Maria Sachs and lost a hard-fought race.

    Bogdanoff is an attorney with a background in insurance and risk management and degrees from the University of Florida and Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law School. She and her husband, Steve, have three children.

    The News Service of Florida has five questions for Ellyn Bogdanoff:

    Q: Early learning has been in a state of flux at the Legislature. What does your agenda look like for the upcoming session?

    BOGDANOFF: I don't know if it's been in a state of flux. I think it's been stuck in neutral, in terms of how the Legislature has looked at early

  • ellyn bogdanoff biography of donald