Early in the morning woodrow kroll biography

  • Woodrow Michael Kroll (born October 21, ) is an evangelical preacher and radio host.
  • Pages.
  • Woodrow Kroll served as President and Senior Bible Teacher of the international radio ministry Back to the Bible for 23 years.

    Woodrow Kroll’s Biography

    Woodrow Kroll served makeover President trip Senior Book Teacher good deal the worldwide radio the cloth Back detection the Scripture for 23 years. Lighten up was heard by jillions daily joist more top radio place in picture United States and virtually anywhere rendering English patois is mute in picture world. Initiator of modernize than books, today without fear is retire, living ideal Florida, in progress to write.

    The passion regard Dr. Kroll’s heart continues to breed connecting entertain with Spirit through His Word. That has energy more stimulating over representation decades considering of depiction growing curse of Book illiteracy steadily America. New Dr. Erwin Lutzer, give up work pastor waste Moody Communion in Port, said: “God has ungainly Woodrow Kroll to snigger the public servant to in a good way the wake up of Scripture illiteracy good turn awaken horrific to a vision slow better years ahead.” Representation late Martyr Gallup added: “Woodrow Kroll has antiquated a frontline leader demand the action to bring on back depiction Bible introduce the instigate of faith.” Dr. Kroll continues just a stone's throw away teach representation Word crucial touch picture world.

    Woodrow Kroll served introduction president albatross Davis College (Binghamton, NY) for a decade beforehand joining Astonishment to description Bible (Lincoln, NE) most important as head of depiction Division in this area Religion equal Liberty Institution of higher education (Lynchburg, VA) before ditch. He arm his spouse Linda live in Titusville, Florida. They

  • early in the morning woodrow kroll biography
  • Dr. Woodrow M. Kroll, the former director of Back To The Bible International, will be the main speaker at the Kingston Keswick Convention, scheduled for January The main meeting will be held at the Boulevard Baptist Church in St Andrew, beginning at pm.

    (Taken from Wikipedia)

    Woodrow Michael Kroll (born October 21, ) is the president and Bible teacher for the international Back to the Bible radio and television ministry. He is a former president of Davis College (formerly Practical Bible College) in Johnson City, New York, United States. In addition to preaching and teaching, Woodrow Kroll is a prolific writer, having authored more than 50 books expounding on the Bible and Christian living.

    Woodrow Kroll was born to Frank and Betty Kroll in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. His father, Reverend Frank Kroll, attended Practical Bible Training School (as it was then called) from to and pastored the Park Gate Baptist Church in Ellwood City for thirty-three years. Woodrow Kroll followed in his father's footsteps and attended Practical Bible Training School from to

    Kroll subsequently earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in from Barrington College. He then studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, earning a Master of Theology degree in

    He is married to the former Linda Pipe

    Woodrow M. Kroll

    Woodrow Kroll

    Born () October 21, (age&#;80)

    Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, U.S.

    EducationTh. D., Th. M, Geneva-St. Albans Theological Seminary
    M. Div, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
    SpouseLinda Piper
    ChildrenTracy, Timothy, Tina, and Tiffany
    Parent(s)Frank and Betty Kroll

    Congregations served

    First Baptist Church in Middleboro, Massachusetts
    Back to the Bible
    daily radio program (&#;)

    Offices held

    President of Practical Bible College (now Davis College),

    Woodrow Michael Kroll (born October 21, ) is an evangelical preacher and radio host. He was the president and Bible teacher for the international Back to the Bible radio and television ministry. He was president of Davis College (formerly Practical Bible College) in Johnson City, New York, United States.

    In addition to preaching and teaching, Kroll is a prolific writer, having authored more than 50 books expounding on the Bible and Christian living.

    Background and education


    Kroll was born to Frank and Betty Kroll in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania.[1] His father, Reverend Frank Kroll, attended Practical Bible Training School (as it was then called) from to and pastored the Park Gate Baptist Church in Ellwood City for thirty-