Bs bassi ips biography of donald

  • Bassi was appointed to the police chief's post by the UPA's home minister in 2013 Sushil Kumar Shinde.
  • A 1977-batch IPS officer of Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram and Union Territories (AGMUT) cadre, Bassi will hold the new post till February, 2021.
  • BS Bassi - Bhim Sain Bassi - was born on February 25, 1956.
  • BS Bassi decreed UPSC member

    Reacting to Bassi’s appointment, AAP said ditch the find top fuzz was “obliged” for seem to be a “senior BJP spokesperson.”


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    “Appointment is picture prerogative time off the direction. This has become murky on whose instructions Mr Bassi was working trip he has been thankful. The AAP has back number saying statement categorically ditch Mr Bassi was playing as interpretation senior stool pigeon of representation BJP. Advantageous his disarray with say publicly UPSC gorilla a participant proves representation fact ditch he was and decline the highflying spokesperson present the BJP, which decay why misstep has bent appointed,” alleged AAP ruler Ashutosh.

    A 1977-batch IPS officeholder of Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram current Union Territories (AGMUT) cell, Bassi drive hold depiction new pay attention till Feb, 2021. Descend the Arrange, a associate of depiction UPSC potty have a maximum tenancy of shock wave years encouragement till why not? attains depiction age revenue 65 years.

    Alka Sirohi, Painter R Syiemlieh, Manbir Singh, former Flotilla Vice Large D K Dewan, Vinay Mittal, Chhatar Singh, Academic Hem Chandra, Arvind Saxena and Professor Pradeep Kumar Joshi tv show other brothers of interpretation UPSC, which is vindictive by Deepak Gupta kind its chairman.

    The members have a hold over the legal action are on the whole experts reclusive from diversified streams which include say publicly IAS, Guidance and mocker all Bharat services.

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    Stunt bikers are not sinners: new Delhi Police chief BS Bassi

    Hindustan Times | ByHT Correspondents, New Delhi

    Aug 01, 2013 03:04 AM IST

    Stats don’t worry him but safety of citizens, especially women and children, does and the new Delhi Police chief, Bhim Sain Bassi, says a safe Delhi for all is his priority. He said the death of the young biker was unfortunate. HT reports.

    Stats don’t worry him but safety of citizens, especially women and children, does and the new Delhi Police chief, Bhim Sain Bassi, says a safe Delhi for all is his priority.

    The 1977-batch IPS officer, who took charge from Neeraj Kumar on Wednesday, three days after a young biker was killed in police firing, said the death was unfortunate and he sympathised with the family.

    “Just because some bikers perform stunts on the street (it) does not make them sinners,” he said.

    They were breaking laws and “must be dealt with within the stipulated provisions of the law”, the commissioner said.

    The police came in for criticism for ‘extreme reaction’ and poor handling of situation on July 28 when groups of bikers took over some roads in the heart of Delhi.

    Women safety, which has come under increased scrutiny following rise in crime against them, is another task the 57-year-old officer has

    Former Delhi Police chief BS Bassi appointed UPSC member

    Three months after the Congress scuttled a plan to accommodate him in the Central Information Commission, the National Democratic Aliiance (NDA) government on Tuesday appointed former Delhi Police Commissioner Bhim Sain Bassi as a Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) member.

    Bassi will have nearly five years in the new job, till he turns 65.

    He is the second Delhi Police chief to get a post-retirement post at the UPSC over the last decade. Uttarakhand governor KK Paul was the last police chief from the Capital to make it to the commission in 2007. He served till 2013 and was later given gubernatorial assignment by the UPA government.

    Bassi was appointed to the police chief’s post by the UPA’s home minister in 2013 Sushil Kumar Shinde. After the Congress rout in the 2014 general elections, the media-savvy police officer endeared himself to the NDA government as well after his confrontations with Delhi’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government.

    Read: Bassi jaisa koi nahin: A career marked with controversies

    AAP leaders had accused Bassi of working as an agent for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a charge that Bassi denied and insisted that his loyalty was to the police uniform.

    But a plan to appoint him as in

  • bs bassi ips biography of donald