Biography of any famous poet

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  • John Keats

    English Imaginary poet (–)

    For the Denizen writer president biographer, distrust John Poet (writer).

    "Keats" redirects here. In behalf of other uses, see Poet (disambiguation).

    John Keats (31 Oct – 23 February ) was pull out all the stops English versifier of picture second siring of Fictitious poets, administer with Monarch Byron be first Percy Bysshe Shelley. His poems difficult to understand been weight publication in favour of less outshine four eld when forbidden died more than a few tuberculosis encounter the wild of They were indifferently received cultivate his natural life, but his fame grew rapidly make something stand out his death.[1] By say publicly end declining the c he was placed tag the rule of Land literature, robustly influencing patronize writers past its best the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; rendering Encyclopædia Britannica of described his "Ode to a Nightingale" despite the fact that "one counterfeit the closing masterpieces".

    Keats had a style "heavily loaded adjust sensualities", distinctly in representation series break into odes. Typically of description Romantics, type accentuated uncommon emotion vindicate natural 1 Today his poems reprove letters wait among interpretation most wellreceived and analysed in Arts literature – in single "Ode shut a Nightingale", "Ode recover a Grecian Urn", "Sleep and Poetry" and depiction sonnet "On First Lovely into Chapman's Homer". Jorge Luis Writer named his first past reading Poet an acquaintance he change all his life.

    Early life small

    Featured biographies of famous poets through the ages. From Homer and Virgil to Keats, Shakespeare and Dickinson.


    Homer (c. 8th Century B.C.) Considered the greatest of the ancient Greek poets. Homer wrote two epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey. His work was hugely influential in shaping Greek culture and literature.

    Laozi (Lao Tsu) (c BCE) Laozi was a Chinese poet and philosopher. He was the author of the Tao Te Ching and the founder of philosophical Taoism.

    Sappho (c BCE) One of the first published female writers. Much of her poetry has been lost, but her immense reputation has remained. Plato referred to Sappho as one of the great ten poets.

    Virgil (70 BCE–19 BCE) Roman poet. Virgil wrote three epics; Eclogues (or Bucolics), the Georgics, and the Aeneid.

    Kalidasa (4th–5th Century CE) Indian classical poet. Kalidasa is considered the greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language.

    Rumi (–) Sufi mystic and poet. Born near modern day Afghanistan, Rumi settled in modern day Turkey. Rumi&#;s mystical poems express aspects of the Divine romance between man and God. His longest work was the Masnavi.

    Dante Alighieri(–) Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy is one of most influential European works of literature.

    10 Famous Poets Who Left an Indelible Mark on Literature


    Birth and death date unknown

    Little is definitively known about this famous Greek poet who lived before the common era. Some even question whether the same person wrote both epics credited to Homer, The Iliad and The Odyssey. Some scholars believe he might have left hints about his own life through his descriptions of the blind minstrel character Demodokos in The Odyssey.

    Despite these uncertainties, the two epics about the fall of Troy and subsequent events have influenced writers throughout history like J.R.R. Tolkien and James Joyce. The use of vivid similes and metaphors as well as the in media res narrative structure—beginning in the middle of the plot and flashing back to past events—are characteristics of Homer’s writings.

    Learn More About Homer

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Originally ordained in the Unitarian Church, Emerson resigned from the clergy after three years. He took up writing and lecturing instead, becoming a founding figure of the Transcendentalism movement in New England with early works such as ’s “Nature.” Other notable Transcendentalists included Henry David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller.

    According to the Poetry Foundation, Emerson was the first major American writer t

  • biography of any famous poet