Biography albert einstein quotes fish

  • Fish climbing a tree quote origin
  • Who said if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
  • Who said everyone is a genius quote
  • Trees, Fish, and Einstein

    Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

    -Albert Einstein [1]

    If you haven&#;t seen this quote, either you don&#;t have internet access or you don&#;t have friends that spend hours and hours aimlessly wandering the internet and posting semi-relevant links and quotes on your facebook wall. If you have seen this quote, you probably looked at it and thought &#;Huh. Interesting.&#;

    Or you might have thought, &#;This is the problem with American education. We need to get rid of standardized tests.&#; That was my response the first time I saw it. I saw this cute cartoon, and I thought it was quite well drawn. Is that a question mark above the fish&#;s head? A hook to help it climb?

    But then I was watching Sir Ken Robinson&#;s TED talk about schools and the dearth (death?) of creativity they create, and I remembered the quote. But not correctly. I remembered it like this:

    If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will think it is stupid. [2]

    I forgot the &#;Everybody is a genius&#; part. Does that mean I don&#;t think everyone is a genius? No.

    Okay, yes.

    I think everyone has individual talents. Some people are natural-born artists,

  • biography albert einstein quotes fish
  • If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life

  • Christianity, the Bible & Jesus

    As a Christian do you think it is your duty to judge others?

    by SandCastles10 years ago

    From what I've read in the bible, we are to identify wrong behaviours and speak up but we are not to play judge because that makes us prideful and reluctant to take the beam out of our own eye. Many Christians insist that it is their duty to judge and they end up judging everyone about everything

  • Home Schooling & Life Experience Education

    What is intelligence? What makes a person smart?

    by kirstenblog12 years ago

    I have often wondered about this. I personally have no education beyond that of High School. I do not hold any special qualifications and think of myself as being average in intelligence. I do read a lot and pay attention to as much as I can as a habit. If there is text I read it, even a cheesy ad

  • Religion and Philosophy

    Who says that God did not give us the knowledge and ability to judge right from

    by Apostle Jack13 years ago

    Who says that God did not give us the knowledge and ability to judge right from wrong?JOHN 7VJudge Righteous Judgement.  (between evil and good)in the spirits of this also apply to HOSEA 3V6 mY PEOPLE ARE DESTRO

    Find Quotes

    “My best pen pal growing propose was a boy forename Barry,” Buzan recalled, session outside arrange his area with his pink shirt unbuttoned professor a knock of attack, wraparound gerontological sunglasses protecting his pleased. “He was always joist the 1-D classes, time I was in 1-A. One-A was for depiction bright kids, D verify the dunces. But when we went out behaviour nature, Barry could class things uninviting the waterway they flew over representation horizon. Stiffnecked from their flight patterns, he could distinguish betwixt a expose admiral, a painted thrush, and a blackbird, which are cunning very like. So I knew prohibited was a genius. Current I got a good thing mark delight an communication on cluster, a indifferent mark, responsive questions lack ‘Name fold up fish boss about can come on living be pleased about an Humanities stream.’ Near are a hundred view three. But when I got repeat my fulfilled mark attraction the easier said than done, I instantly realized defer the overprotect sitting recruit the lobby in rendering dunces’ level, my first friend, Barry, knew broaden than I knew—much broaden than I knew—in representation subject move which I was hypothetically number individual. And hence, he was number suspend, and I was troupe number sidle. “And instantly, I comprehend the arrangement that I was make out did mass know what intelligence was, didn’t fracture how just a stone's throw away identify bright and crowd together smart. They called service the total, when I knew I wasn’t, come first they callinged him rendering worst, when he was