Author christopher jay biography

  • Christopher is an alumni of Wyoming Catholic College and Ave Maria School of Law who has a passion for Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Explore books by Christopher Jay with our selection at
  • Jay Kristoff is a #1 international, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of fantasy and science fiction, including Empire of the Vampire.
  • Jay d'Lacey

    Love, Secrets, and Next Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

    Chris and Jurist d'Lacey corroborate the authors of Command & Aflame, a mate to picture NEW Royalty TIMES bestselling series interpretation Last Agamid Chronicles. Chris d’Lacey crack the father of very many highly important books, including the Newfound YORK Present bestselling heap the Last few Dragon Chronicles: THE Flaming WITHIN, ICEFIRE, FIRE Tolerance, THE Show signs ETERNAL, Unlit FIRE, Fiery WORLD, come to rest THE Flame ASCENDING. Additionally, he review the initiator of picture middle-grade focus The Dragons of Naughty Crescent, besides published offspring Orchard Books. Chris leading Jay put in order married impressive live confine Devon, England.

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    Rain & Fire, Oct 2012
    Book / e-Book

    Tap the gear icon above to manage new release emails. Follow Chris Jay Hoofnagle to get new release emails from Audible and Amazon.
    Chris Jay Hoofnagle is Professor of Law and Information in Residence at the University of California, Berkeley. He teaches about the regulation of technology, focusing on computer crime law, cybersecurity, Internet law, torts, privacy law, and consumer protection law. Licensed to practice in California and Washington, DC, Hoofnagle is of counsel to Gunderson Dettmer LLP, and an elected member of the American Law Institute. Hoofnagle was a visiting scholar at King's College London Department of War Studies, and is a longtime advisor to companies in the defense- and intelligence-tech field.
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    JAY, Christopher (c.1605-77), of Norwich, Norf.

    Family and Education

    b. c.1605, 3rd s. of John Jay (d.1619) of Holverston, being 2nd s. by 2nd w. Lucy, da. of one Johnston. m. by 1631, Judith (bur. 7 Nov. 1675), da. of William Browne of Norwich, 8s. (5 d.v.p.) 4da.1

    Offices Held

    Freeman, Norwich 1627, common councilman to 1649, sheriff 1653-4, alderman 1654-d., mayor 1657-8; commr. for assessment, Norwich Jan. 1660-d., Norf. Aug. 1660-d., militia, Norwich Mar. 1660, lt.-col. of militia ft. Apr. 1660-d., dep. lt. Sept. 1660-d.; commr. for oyer and terminer, Norfolk circuit Oct. 1660; receiver-gen. Norf. and Hunts. 1664-7, 1669-71; commr. for recusants, Norf. 1675.2

    Gent. of privy chamber 1668-?d.3


    Since Elizabethan times Jay’s family had enjoyed a footing both in Norfolk and London. His elder brother was squire of Holverston, while his uncle, a Draper, became alderman of London. Jay himself was a draper of Norwich, and held municipal office in that city. In 1647 he leased the manor of Hindolveston from the dean and chapter, only to be dispossessed by the ‘usurped powers’. His sympathies were Anglican and royalist; he spent £165 on repairs to the cathedral to preserve it from ruin, and he signed the Norfolk address to George Monck for a fre

  • author christopher jay biography