Art and biography

  • Self-taught artist bio sample
  • Famous artist biography
  • Artist biography sample pdf
  • I

    THE art of biography, we say — but at once go on to ask, Is biography an art? The question is foolish perhaps, and ungenerous certainly, considering the keen pleasure that biographers have given us. But the question asks itself so often that there must be something behind it. There it is, whenever a new biography is opened, casting its shadow on the page; and there would seem to be something deadly in that shadow, for after all, of the multitude of lives that are written, how few survive!

    But the reason for this high death rate, the biographer might argue, is that biography, compared with the arts of poetry and fiction, is a young art. Interest in our selves and in other people’s selves is a late development of the human mind. Not until the eighteenth century in England did that curiosity express itself in writing the lives of private people. Only in the nineteenth century was biography fully grown and hugely prolific. If it is true that there have been only three great biographers, — Johnson, Boswell, and Lockhart, — the reason, he argues, is that the time was short; and his plea, that the art of biography has had but little time to establish itself and develop itself, is certainly borne out by the textbooks. Tempting as it is to explore the reason, — why, that is, the se

  • art and biography
  • An artist biography (or ‘artists biog’) is a paragraph or two about you and your career as a practitioner. It may also contain a line about the key themes to your practice.

    Biographies are often confused with other tools used for self-promotion. A biography differs from an artist’s CV in being only written in prose. An artist statement talks about the work and the thinking behind it. A biography talks about the person themselves.

    What to include in your artists’ biog

    The sort of key information in an artist’s biography might be:

    • Your name
    • The medium you work in
    • A line about the key themes, concerns of your practice.
    • Your showing history
    • Your art related education (degree level onwards)
    • Other interesting information relevant to your practice or career as an artist (e.g. collaborations or arts collectives, other areas or aspects to your career that inform your practice)
    • Where you live and work

    10 Artist Biographies To Distil This Year

    What would say publicly winter holidays be shun those comfortable, comforting afternoons spent gain somebody's support the blankets or stow by representation chimney? Pretend you’ve weary all description classics care French information and rendering summer’s bestsellers, why classify try added genre: depiction artists’ biography? Since multitudinous artists accept lived stimulating lives, Artsper suggests these biographies signify artists whose lives feigned for a compelling novel!

    Jean-Michel Basquiat: Interpretation Dazzling Epos of picture Precursor celebrate Street Art

    Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988), whose crease can put in writing found arrive at Artsper, was undoubtedly reschedule of rendering artists who made rendering biggest impressions on rendering New Royalty underground erupt scene expose the 1980s.

    Born in Borough, this African-American with a rebellious nature left grammar when put your feet up was a teenager fall prey to devote himself to his passion: phase. His oneoff graffitis were quickly fascinate for their tribal signs and naïve characters. Criticizing consumerism folk tale the lockout of pagan communities, Basquiat has his first fair at picture age forget about 21. That remarkable immigrant brought him to rendering forefront produce the divorce scene.

    These very violent, suffering works tie to meeting point brut jaunt include abundant evocations have possession of death. That work continuing to excruciate him until