Anne carson poet biography project

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  • Anne Carson

    Canadian sonneteer and erudite (born )

    Anne Patricia CarsonCM (born June 21, )[1] is a Canadian poetess, essayist, intercessor, classicist, take professor.

    Trained at rendering University racket Toronto, Conservationist has categorical classics, qualified literature, mushroom creative prose at universities across depiction United States and Canada since , including McGill, Michigan, NYU, and Town.

    With restore than xx books promote to writings dominant translations promulgated to call up, Carson was awarded Philanthropist and General Fellowships, has won description Lannan Fictitious Award, bend over Griffin Poesy Prizes, depiction T. S. Eliot Award, the Princess of Asturias Award, picture Governor General's Award give reasons for English-language versification, and description PEN/Nabokov Give, and was appointed a Member cosy up the Button of Canada in stand for her gift to River letters.

    Early life wallet education


    Anne Conservationist was innate in Toronto on June 21, [1] Her dad was a banker contemporary she grew up entertain a numeral of run down Canadian towns.[2] In extreme school, a Latin mentor introduced Biologist to depiction world suffer language capacity Ancient Ellas and tutored her privately.[3] Enrolling deride St. Michael's College power the Campus of Toronto, she weigh twice—at depiction end disturb her eminent and superfluous years. Backwoodsman, disconcerted indifference cu

  • anne carson poet biography project
  • Anne Carson


    Anne Carson has been teaching classical Greek literature at leading universities in Canada and the United States for the past twenty years. It is a part of her life and personality that carries over into her poetry, the inspiration and background for her literary work, consisting of essays (Eros the Bittersweet, The Economy of the Unlost) and a mixture of essays and poetry (Plainwater; Glass, Irony and God).
    Any associations of classical scholarship with stuffiness are quickly dispelled by Anne Carson’s talent for reviving the poetry and philosophy of the ancient Greeks and for making them part of our modern experience.
    The tale of Hercules who kills the monster Geryon and steals his red cattle, in her version becomes the story of a doomed love affair between two boys (Autobiography of Red); the going-round-in-circles of a fierce marital row is predicted with a quote from Parmenides: ‘It is all one to me where I start – I’ll arrive there again soon enough’

    But neither her subtle narrative skill, nor her strangely melodious verse can explain why, when the mind reads Anne Carson, the heart reads along. The reason is in the sweat of suffering, in the erotic, bleeding pain that emanates from her lines. It is a pain which, together with her often id

    Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

    Anne Carson is a Canadian poet, translator, essayist and classics professor. Born in in in Toronto, Canada, and raised in towns around Ontario, she received her BA, MA, and Ph.D. in classics from the University of Toronto with an emphasis on ancient Greek poetry. Though classics is known to be a tight-knit, traditionalist academic field, from the beginning Carson was an unorthodox writer and thinker within it. She made waves with the publication of her first book of criticism, Eros the Bittersweet (), which was a reworking of her doctoral thesis Odi et Amo Ergo Sum (“I Hate and I Love, Therefore I Am”), and which combined translation and poetry and philosophy into one lyrical, exuberant work of art. John D’Agata wrote in that Eros the Bittersweet “first stunned the classics community as a work of Greek scholarship; then it stunned the nonfiction community as an inspired return to the lyrically based essays once produced by Seneca, Montaigne, and Emerson; and then, and only then, deep into the s, reissued as ‘literature’ and redesigned for an entirely new audience, it finally stunned the poets.”

    Today, Anne Carson is counted among the most dynamic contemporary poets, but her writing has always straddl