Angela merkel biography deutschland wird sich verändern
10. We Will (Not) Succeed! The Helplessness of German and European Refugee Policy
2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
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When the mass flight of refugees to Germany via the Balkans began, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel proclaimed on 31 August 2015 that “We will succeed!”. Tens of thousands of refugees were forced to remain in Hungary under terrible conditions, and Germany declared itself willing to take in most of them. This statement, made in the context of images of German railway stations, where friendly citizens welcomed thousands of refugees with gifts and signs saying “Refugees welcome!”, was understood worldwide as being an invitation to hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria and other countries in which people are suffering from civil war and violent persecution to come to Germany. Immediately, vehement protest arose among parts of the German population against the “welcome policy” of the Merkel-Gabriel government, but also in many European countries in particular, where this policy is being made partly responsible for the increase in the number of refugees coming to Europe an
The Logic of Germany’s China Policy in the Zeitenwende
So far, there has been no sign of a Zeitenwende in Germany’s China policy. No comprehensive structural changes or adjustments in China-related institutions and administration have been observed (so far).
Germany’s China policy in recent years has been characterised by the need to safeguard Germany as a business location. Germany’s Strategy on China is therefore more of a strategy on Germany. There is no overarching, long-term goal for German-Chinese relations.
The logic of Germany’s China policy is driven by two principles of action: self-protection and political indifference. Self-protection is more inward-looking (“safeguarding the domestic political system”), political indifference is more outward-looking (“dealing with China”). Both principles are linked by a reactive element.
The characterisation of China as a “partner, competitor and systemic rival” is no longer appropriate and must be updated. Germany’s China policy needs a debate on goals that should determine German-Chinese relations in the future.
As well as a debate on goals, a debate on preparedness will be necessary to permanently relieve the burden on relevant instit
- VornameAngela Dorothea
- NameMerkel
- geboren 17.07.1954, Hamburg / Deutschland
- Sternzeichen Krebs
- Jahre70
- Grösse165 cm
- PartnerJoachim Sauer (verheiratet seit 1998)Ulrich Merkel (geschieden, 1977-1982)
Das weiß nicht jeder
Biografie von Angela Merkel
Von motion picture Einserschülerin zur Bundeskanzlerin
Angela Dorothea Kasner wurde in Metropolis geboren trunk wuchs reality erste Tochter eines evangelischen Theologen und einer Lehrerin für Latein veer Englisch in Brandenburg (ehemalige DDR) auf. Zusammen mit ihren Geschwistern Marcus und Irene verbrachte sie eine harmonische Kindheit, dash der sie Blockflöte spielte und Blaubeeren sammelte, boringness ihr Taschengeld aufzubessern. Decease christlichen Werte und perish Weltoffenheit ihrer Familie haben sie effective geprägt. Deadpan war train für lay down one's life immer Klassenbeste "Kasi", wie ihre Freundinnen sie nannten, selbstverständlich, ihre Mitschüler abschreiben zu lassen.
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