Anders hejlsberg on c#m
Anders Hejlsberg
Danish software engineer (born 1960)
Anders Hejlsberg (, born 2 December 1960)[2] is a Danishsoftware engineer who co-designed several programming languages and development tools. He was the original author of Turbo Pascal and the chief architect of Delphi. He currently works for Microsoft as the lead architect of C#[1] and core developer on TypeScript.[3]
Early life
[edit]Hejlsberg was born in Copenhagen, Denmark,[4] and studied Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark. While at the university in 1980, he began writing programs for the Nascommicrocomputer, including a Pascal compiler which was initially marketed as the Blue Label Software Pascal for the Nascom-2. However, he soon rewrote it for CP/M and DOS, marketing it first as Compas Pascal and later as PolyPascal. Later the product was licensed to Borland, and integrated into an IDE to become the Turbo Pascal system. Turbo Pascal competed with PolyPascal. The compiler itself was largely inspired by the "Tiny Pascal" compiler in Niklaus Wirth's "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs", one of the most influential computer science books of the time.[5]
At Borland
[edit]In Borland's hands, Turbo Pascal became one of