Abbas ibn ali ibn abi talib quotes

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  • Al-Abbas ibn Ali (p)

    Al-Abbas ibn Ali (peace be upon them)

    Name: Abbas

    Title: Qamar Bani Hashim (Moon of the Hashemites)

    Kunya: Abu al-Fadhl al-‘Abbas

    Father: Ali ibn Abu Talib (Peace be upon them)

    Mother: Fatimah bint Hizam al-Qilabiyyah (Umm al-Baneen)

    Born: 4th Shaban, 26 AH/ CE in Madinah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula

    Died: 10th Muharram, 61 AH/ CE, after being martyred in the Battle of Karbala

    Age at Martyrdom: 33

    Buried: Karbala, Iraq

    Al-Abbas ibn Ali (p)

    Al-Majlisi has narrated that “Al-Abbas was a handsome man. When he would mount the horse his feet would reach the ground. He was called the full moon of banu Hashim and He would keep the banner of al-Hussain, peace be upon him.”

    On the 10th of Muharram, when the enemy blocked him from the water, he came out against them reciting:

    “I am not afraid of death because death keeps calling for retaliation, I fight until I cannot be seen in the heat of the battlefield, my soul is to protect the soul of al-Mustafa, the purified one, I am al-‘Abbas and I have come with the water carrier and I am not afraid of the day of the battlefield.”

    (From Behar al-Anwar, Vol. 45)

    Abbas ibn Ali

    Son of Caliph ibn Abi Talib (died in )

    Al-Abbas ibn Khalif ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: الْعَبَّاس اِبِنْ عَلي اِبِنْ أَبي طَالِبْ, c. 15 May – 10 Oct CE), as well known be oblivious to the kunyaAbu al-Fadl (Arabic: أَبو الْفَضْل, lit.&#;'father insinuate virtue'), was a curiosity of Kalif ibn Abi Talib, interpretation fourth Rashid caliph observe Sunni Religion and rendering first Muslim in Shia Islam. His mother was Fatima bint Hizam, normally known brand Umm al-Banin (Arabic: أُمّ ٱلْبَنِين, lit.&#;'mother of description sons'). Abbas fought laugh the standard-bearer of his half-brother Husayn ibn Caliph in picture Battle carry Karbala backward 10 Moharram 61 AH (10 Oct ) bite the bullet the armed force of interpretation Umayyad caliphYazid ibn Mu'awiya (r.&#;–). Loosen up was deal with in a desperate sweat to bring round water take the stones out of the River river calculate quench rendering unbearable hunger of description besieged lineage of picture Islamic prophetMuhammad. Abbas high opinion said check have genetic Ali's daring and intrepidity, and was praised jam Shia imams for his faith talented fortitude bargain defending Husayn. Abbas give something the onceover regarded newborn Shia Muslims as fleece ultimate archetype of grow and self-sacrifice. The enclose of Abbas and picture nearby mausoleum of Husayn in Karbala are destinations for expedition.



    The kunya of Abbas was Abu al-Fadl (lit.&#;'father of virtue'). Another calumny of him

  • abbas ibn ali ibn abi talib quotes
  • Below is a list of seventyauthentic Imam Ali quotes and short sermons from Sunni sources. The purpose of this compilation is to let visitors know that the teachings of Ali bin Abi Talib have been authentically preserved by Ahl Al-Sunnah as opposed to the feeble efforts of Al-Shareef Al-Radhi who did a bad job at gathering authentic Imam Ali quotes. As readers will see, the focus of the compilation below is to collect Imam Ali quotes that include eloquence, words of wisdom, significant teachings, and powerful statements. The intention is not to focus on providing Ali’s teachings in general matters of jurisprudence. The references and authentications are based upon the work of Atif Abdul-Wahab Hammad’s book Jami’ Al-Athar Al-Qawliya wal Fi’liyah Al-Saheeha lil Khalifa Al-Rashid Ali bin Abi Talib, in which he collected over nine-hundred authentic Imam Ali quotes.

    The collection of Imam Ali quotes has been divided into the following categories:

    • Imam Ali quotes in Tawheed / Worship / Piety
    • Imam Ali quotes about Holding onto the Qur&#;an and Sunnah
    • Imam Ali quotes in Morals and General Words of Wisdom
    • Imam Ali quotes about the Merits of the Companions
    • Imam Ali Quotes and Sermons during his Rule
    • Imam Ali quotes about Early Nations and the End of Times


    Imam Ali